"Guys, come on. We're leaving." Riot told his team as he opened the door to the Pitbull. "Dropship's gonna be here in a while. Picking up that 'manticore'." He got back into the vehicle and surveyed the damage. No warnings or alerts came up, meaning that the vehicle had taken no damage whatsoever. He was pleased with that; it meant he didn't have to do any paperwork this time. Quake followed, his visor retracting into his helmet, showing his rather grizzled face, with a small amount of stubble and blue eyes. "Yeah. Eggheads back at base are probably gonna have a field day with that." He chuckled, climbing into the Pitbull and slamming the door, lighting up a cigarette inside and puffing out some smoke out the window. The other two members of Hammer didn't follow just yet, with Fuse still inspecting the body of the creature. "Shame. It looked pretty awesome, to be honest. Well, not as awesome as a sandstrider, but, well..." [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/49/Boga.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120422032933]Sandstriders[/url] were these large lizard creatures found native to Fuse's homeworld of Arenoso, but were introduced to various other planets. They could be tamed and domesticated, with locals using them for mounts, sports, and even meals sometimes. The only problem with them was that they were carnivores, meaning that they got rather rowdy when hungry, and could easily tear prey to shreds with their three rows of sharp teeth. Alley was standing around, and he looked tense. "Feels like we're being watched." He said, anxiously scanning the area and pointing his weapon in various directions. Motion detectors hadn't picked up anything other than Hammer and the mercenary, and sometimes random wildlife. But then again, Alley was always the paranoid type, so it was expected from him when he stood in one place for too long. The heavy rumbling of a [url=http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19elggl5xfi0kjpg/original.jpg]DTT-143 Dropship[/url] could be heard in the distance as it neared the area, no doubt to pick up the corpse of the fallen manticore. It closed in and swooped down, the large thirty metre craft blocking out some sunlight as it hovered in the air above the trees, its repulsor engines glowing blue. It deployed a vaguely claw-looking appendage connected to a cable as it was winched down, picking up the broken body. The claw then retracted, bringing the body up as it was stored in the craft's troop bay. That done, it sped off back to base.