[@Alisdragon911] As far as James was concerned the morning could have never come, it had been so long since he'd actually made it to a bed before falling asleep. Still the morning sun had other plans and its light trickled into the room and began to dance along his features. The warmth of the light might have even been pleasant if it hadn't been forcing him to stirs from his slumber. A loud yawn escaped from the waking man and he stretched out in the bed and went to roll over, however instead of the soft form of the mattress being there to meet him he felt himself falling. With the stinging pain of the fall James could feel the memories of last night came running back reminding him of what had been happened. Groaning his pushed himself up into a sitting position and rested back on the bed's side, he could hear the sound of what was presumably Iris playing around behind him. Slowly but surely he got to his feet having to use one arm to steady himself and the other to fend off the offensive rays of light still filling the room. [color=a36209]"Morning"[/color] he grunted as he staggered passed Iris and into the bathroom, the sound of flowing water was almost as refreshing as its cool caress. His vision was slowly coming back into focus. [color=a36209]"That should do for now"[/color] he stated more to himself then anyone else and feeling slightly better trudged back into the bedroom [color=a36209]"What do they want now or was the envelope just complimentary?"[/color] he said actually able to notice see what was on the tray Iris was holding.