[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Outside the Pokemart the sky was still dark, although faint traces of the sun could be seen in the greying black sky. If Leisy had to make a guess, she’d guess that it was just around five AM, but she wasn’t a clock and she couldn’t make such assumptions. [color=gray]“Let’s head on home and take a quick nap before starting the day?”[/color] Leisy asked, looking down at Naunet before glancing at Bidein. While the Piplup was still holding strong with droopy eyelids, Bidein had long since given up, currently dozing contently on Leisy’s shoulder. Leisy smiled in amusement, too tired to laugh at this point. [color=gray]”C’mon then, Naunet. Here, let me just,”[/color] Leisy said, picking the Piplup off the ground and nestling Naunet in her arms, [color=gray]”carry you around.”[/color] The faint smile hung on Leisy’s face as she waved a sleepy goodnight to the nurse at the counter in the Pokemon Center and headed to the back. Arriving at her room, Leisy fumbled around her pockets with one hand before managing to maneuver the plastic card into the scanner and opening the door. [color=gray]”’Night, Bidein, Naunet,”[/color] she murmured sleepily before drifting off herself. [hr] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color][/center] This time Cillian wasn’t the only one to be drenched by the water gun, a fact that became apparent when the Charmander beside him let out a splutter of protest, backing up. Shaking the water off, Hazmat cried in protest and dashed back up the banks of the river towards the city limits. Cillian groaned, but he knew he should fault his Pokemon. It’d been clear that Haz was the type to be light-hearted and happy, and Cillian had spent the night trying to force his Pokemon to fight. [color=lightsteelblue]”Alright Haz, you win,”[/color] Cillian said, sighing and walking up the bank to join the Charmander. [color=lightsteelblue]”Let’s go back to town then.”[/color] Down at the banks the Mudkip still hadn’t had enough. After being so rudely awakened, the most it had done was shoot a couple water guns at the perpetrators. That wasn’t enough at all, and it dashed up the riverbank to catch up to the trainer and his Pokemon, chattering loudly to get their attention. “Mudkip! Kip, kip!” Cillian looked down and stared at the Mudkip for a few seconds, confused. He and Hazmat were leaving. Admitting failure. What was the wild Pokemon doing? And then it hit him. [color=lightsteelblue]”You want to come along?”[/color] Cillian asked, kneeling down to the Mudkip’s level. The Mudkip looked taken aback for a moment before recovering, nodding with steely eyes. Cillian grinned and pulled out a Pokeball, holding it in front of the blue Pokemon. “Welcome to the team, Mudkip,” Cillian said as the Mudkip tapped the button and released the beam of light that pulled it into the Pokeball. [hr] [@balthazar007] Cillian caught a Mudkip