[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PaZzCuD.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [@FantasyChic] - It is a difficult landing but in the end Gene is able to keep the small shuttle steady enough to maneuver it into a flat area of prairies and manages to avoid the rolling hills and high plateaus of the area. It is a rather rough landing sending sparks and smoke everywhere with a heavy jostling but hey, she is on piece (Gene and the ship) - banged up yes but alive - Gene sustains some bruises on her legs and arms, and a small cut above her hair line - the ship needs to be shut down quickly and a few minor fires tended to that are causing smoke to build up. [@Bluesky44] [@Morose] - The case inside as you can tell is well out of place and it doesn't look like it is going to open easily. There is more than one lock keeping this bit of Alliance junk closed up tight. It is something the Captain will want to see that is for sure. The boy is still sitting there as Atticus comes back and the preacher eyes him for a minute before the boy averts his eyes from the [i]Godly[/i] man. Shaking his head he turns to get Brutus's body but stops as he sees the little treasure the sisters have come across. Stepping over to them he tilts his head to the side. Leaning over he looks the box over for a moment. [color=fff79a]"Christ on a gorham cracker, that be some of shit to see out here. Where'd you girls find that?"[/color] [@Sigil] [@Pundii] [@Dragoknighte] - Jahosafat seems content with the decision and he reassures each of you that if the beast becomes an issue he will quickly dispose of the thing himself. Turning he looks at Captain Quinn. [color=gray]"I do hope you can understand my urgency to get to Whitefall now? If we get there too late to intervene, this is the future for the dear sweet Miss Powell. I do not think such.... mental faculties would do well for her do you?"[/color] he says before looking back over towards Foy. [color=gray]"Actually my dear friend, you and Captain Quinn are the very reason I chose this vessel. It was slated for later on and in the hands of another man of medicine. When I received word of my friends presence at our destination, I could not leave it in the hands people that would rather see her turned than saved. I trust you beyond any in the 'Verse and I know the history. So it is my fault that you two are now here yet I feel no guilt. Now, Miss Lobo? Please, call for her, we will need help getting this and the other three to the infirmary and we must start blood work promptly. I have much to do before we reach Whitefall and we must hurry."[/color]