[h2][color=black]Zorua[/color] [/h2] The fox pokemon noticed Noibait displeasure and annoyance, but didnt addressed it as he had to focus on the trainer. The trainer who offered to show him where the police is. Zorua knew where it was as he regularly visited the two cities bordering the forest he lived in. He liked this part of the city because the police station was on the opposite side. Yet the pokecenter and the cheap inn for the beginner trainers was close enough. He wanted to say no and go back on track lowering his head a bit, it was then the spook pickpocket the trainer. Asking about a pokeball, the boy explained it and even so far as saying nearly carelessly a important information to Zorua ears. "[color=f26522]... because I haven't found a Pokemon that wants to partner up with me yet.[/color]" That tidbit of information changed everything. No pokemon partner meant no one able to stop them. No pokemon partner meant as well no chance of weakening them and using those balls to catch them. This trainer was basically a freebie now in Zoruas eyes. They just had to lead him away to a place with less eyewitnesses. Zorua barely registered the ghost panic at the moment. Zorua took the edge of his hat and bowed slightly. "Thank you, if you could take me there I would be more than happy." He said in his small voice and turned to take Noibat hand in his own. "Come Noibat, this nice man is [i]helping us[/i]." The dark type pokemon looked at the scared ghost behind his partner in crime and rolled his eyes. "You are safe with us. Do as we tell you and all will be fine. " He whispered to the ghost reaching out and petting her or at least trying to but his hand went thougth her barely visible form. Becoming invisible would be useful and Zorua was betting the pokemon was really young if it didnt even know what a pokeball was. They could use her in their schemes, then again it would take lot of work to make her into a proper partner in crime seeing her childish reactions. He left the decidion for later and once he could freely talk to Noibait about it. He lead Noibat closer to the trainer and waited for him to start leading them to the police station. In his head searching for a sidewalk or empty building on the way they can stray him off the way to. "What is your name?" He politely asked. "I am Rua Zo. My mom named me." Zorua said, deep down in his mind he was giggling like made at how oblivious he made his human name, and was just as sure no one will catch on either. As the few adults he had to lie about his name ate it up. And it wasnt directly a lie either. His name did had Zo and Rua in it. With a grin on his face he looked at Noibat to see her reaction at his [i]name[/i] "Why dont you have a partner yet?" He asked as well looking back at the newbie trainer. [@Raijinslayer][@Bright_Ops][@Ashevelendar]