[hider=Ze character] [b]Name:[/b] Sir Tobrew De Castillair [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Known Racial Abilities:[/b] None that i know [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/b632/i/2016/259/0/0/steampunk_warrior_by_abelvera-d8elr70.jpg[/img] Beneath the harness Tobrew is a reasonably handsome man with a reddish brown hair. He has strong but lean muscles and walks with a tall straight gait. [b]Renowned Skills:[/b] Tobrew was knighted by the royal order of Mekhania dragoons when he was 18, after a childhood filled with rigorous training and etiquette. He learned the art of dancing and the art of swordsmanship. The art of hunting and the art of riding. And to an extent to solve mechanical problems, like all citizens of Mekhania. Apart from his excellent dancing skills, Sir Tobrew Castillair is not a remarkable member of the Mekhania dragoons. His membership at all however denotes him as a mighty warrior and few individuals in the entire world has the skills to even attempt its trials. [hider=So, skills] Comparing to the 1 to 10 scale. [b]Skills:[/b] Exceptional swordsman 6, exceptional arcanotech beast rider 6, medium arcanotech repair 3, prominent Mekhania dancer 7,Mekhania poetry 5, singing 4, [/hider] [b]Magic:[/b] None [b]Weapons:[/b] He has a pistol sidearm mostly for dispelling especially troublesome lowlives, being a knight however would mean it would be dishonorable to fight someone with such a simple tool for keeping your foes at bay. Although, such rules only refer to knights anyway. Other nuisances can easily be taken down at range without risking lost honor. He has a flamberge bladed rapier of a lightweight Mekhania Los Snaz'Rahia steel that can easily pierce even the thickest cloth, while retaining it's flexibility in the thrust! It is of exquisite quality and flair with its blade blued halfway. A sign of good craftsmanship. His primary armament however, is the Mekhania dragoon pyre lance! A weapon only wielded by the Mekhania dragoons. Built by arcanotech mages with a self charging power crystal, it can shoot streams of sanctity upon its foes! It is also a sturdy all steel lance with massive heft, too unwieldy from one not from the order of Mekhania dragoons to wield in combat. In his belt a misericorde dagger decorated with gold thread, engraved into patterns of lilys. And a warhammer, lightweight, one-handed. Carried by every knight of Mekhania. [b]Armour:[/b] The standard war maillé of the royal Mekhania dragoons, or commonly shortened to dragoon maillé. A suit of all encompassing steel plates that cover the body from top to toe, its only weak points being the eyes which only has thick shatter resistant glass to protect them. The only joint not covered is the palms of the hands, the dragoons would complain so much of grip otherwise. And bolting the weapons to the armour was annoying. Dragoon maillé is impervious to all normal slashes and strikes from swords, it is highly resistant to all other forms of weaponry as well. Magic can still trump it, but it has a complex system of leading heat away from the user, so attempts to use temperature against the user will commonly fail unless it is of a massive scale. [b]Steed:[/b] See mount details below [b]Bio:[/b] Sir Tobrew De Castillair was the first son of Sir Roberriaz De Castillair, the archduke of Pembral. Being the first son he was sent to become a knight in service of the royal court. Tobrew was a good page and dutifully performed his tasks, at the age of twelve he was among the best at fighting and excelled at courtly dance. At age 16 he passed the trial of knighthood and served the court of Mekhania as a knight. For two years he fought the enemies of Mekhania, which is mostly rebelling noble families, but nonetheless enemies. At 18 he passed the trials of the Mekhania Dragoons, donned the dragoon maillé and rode into battle upon one of the battle mounts of Mekhania. A great honor, to serve the king as a honorary bodyguard and the kingdom's elite troop. However recently sir Tobrew De Castillair dishonored himself greatly, while attending a noble feast he failed to express his uttermost respect for the princess. Therefore he was sent to help with this liberation thing against this wizard or whatever. Being a dishonored lord, he needs to regain his honour. Preferably in court, but seeing that the princess personally requested he be sent far away that is impossible. Now he rides to war, to aid the other champions in battle. [/hider] ------------------------------------------------ [hider=Ze mount] [b]Name:[/b] Zeta Aurora Kaotica 1114, nicknamed "Aurora Kaotica Eleanora" by Tobrew. [b]Race:[/b] Techno-arcana [b]Known Racial Abilities:[/b] If a technoarcanist works on it, it can be rebuilt to house more fascinating mechanical functions. [b]Age:[/b] 6 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pgwebdesign.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/steampunk-dragon.jpg[/img] A brazen wyrm, with wings of constructed feathers, four legs resembling those of an eagle and a tail like that of a spined lizard, all constructed from gears and sprockets, plates and springs that work to create what could resemble a living being out of brass. [b]Renowned Skills:[/b] Excellent aerial mobility, and to shoot forth rays of holy sanctity [b]Magic:[/b] No magic apart from the enchantments to make it work [b]Weapons:[/b] Razor sharp talons, a spiked tail and sharp teeth. Also the raycaster which produces the rays of holy sanctity [b]Armour:[/b] Up to an inch of brass in its places. But it has weak spots. Generally speaking the armour is about 3mm thick [b]Steed:[/b] The steed does not have a steed [b]Bio:[/b] Zeta Aurora Kaotica 1114 was the 1114th dragoon mount of the flying cadre, it is the personal mount of Sir Tobrew De Castillair [/hider] [hider=Extra notes] The mount is probably about as intelligent as a clever dog, it does not function properly unless ridden. In a straight up fight on the ground it would probably lose against 50 trained men with polearms with enough strength to strike through the brass plates. And yes, 'rays of holy sanctity' is frikkin lasers. I mean come on, why NOT have a steampunk dragon that shoots frikkin lasers? It loses focus on ranges over 100 meters. [/hider]