[@LuckyBlackCat] Tommy and the band came out a few minutes after Cici arrived and put on their set. Overall, the show lasted until about midnight before the place was empty of it's customers and the band packed up, leaving before Tommy, who collected his pay, along with a gift of around three weeks worth of food for both himself and Cici from the owner for their trip. As Amica too up her spot on his head, Tommy turned to Cici. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the show tonight. Jazz is a good set of tunes to play, but I like to mix it up." He lead the way back up the steps to the street and stopped, breathing in the night air. "You know, it's hard to believe that it's taken me four years to finally decide to do this. Guess the idea of being forced to play in the orchestra was enough to make me move my butt." He chuckled and turned to Cici. "If it's not too nosy, what's your reason for becoming a trainer?"