[indent][indent][indent]"[u]To Mr/Ms [Insert Name Here][/u] [center] [i]If you are reading this, your application for the Breakfast University of Magic (B.U.M.) has been reviewed and accepted! Congratulation and thank you for choosing us. We here at B.U.M. pride ourselves with having the best instructors, and a curriculum truly worth of being called 'the best!' and it has ever been our mission to guide potential mages, witches, warlocks, shamans, wizards, etc., towards the becoming their ideal self! "Attached to this letter is the university handbook with map, your student I.D. so you don't get disintegrated by the school wards (that was a joke! Mostly) directions on how to get there from your location. Also attached are your room numbers and complementary lunch tickets! "The term begins on the Spring Equinox (That's March 20 in mundane terms! See you're learning already!), please take care to arrive by 12:30 AM - yes you read that right,[/i] AM[i], as in,[/i] Ante Merediem[i], as in[/i] before midday[i], as in before dawn! It doesn't matter what timezone you're in, just get there by 12 AM![/i] [i]"Once again, thank you for choosing B.U.M., and may you live in interesting times![/i] [/center] - [u]Secretary of Non-Academic Affairs, Germaine Gilliane, The Night Witch.[/u]"[/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] Magic exists. Magic is mysterious. Magic is attractive. Magic is powerful. Magic is all of this, and more. But above everything, however, magic can be studied. And that is where the Breakfast University of Magic comes into play. It is one of hundreds of secret schools scattered throughout the globe, and also among the foremost, perhaps even the best. It's Founder and current Headmaster, at least, is unrivaled among mages, and among the archmages, first among peers, and he has been for seven hundred years. The University is an alliance of different schools of magic, all dedicated to fostering the potential of the magic users who walk through its hallowed halls. Although, rather than a conventional school, it is more akin to a huge research laboratory with occasional lectures. Fights are also more common and accepted than what would be permissible at mundane universities - it has to be, otherwise combat oriented magic users would wreck the place going mad from boredom! Anyone can be accepted here, but not everyone; the standards for acceptance into the University mean that at the very least, some measure of control has been attained. It does not accept complete novices. [hr] [b][center]O O C[/center][/b] [u][b]CS[/b][/u] [hider] [code][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (7-21 y/o) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Year:[/b] (How many years have they been studying in B.U.M.) [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] (Basically, what kind of magic do they use?) [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Master:[/b] (who taught them magic. Can be left blank or filled later if one is found) [b]If[/b] [Character] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] [b]If[/b] [Character] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] [/code] [/hider] [b][u]Magic System[/u][/b] - Magic here follows a "branch" system, in that all magic is descended from one of 5 sources or "Aeon's". The further from the source the less potent the magic. Once a magic - any magic - has reached its absolute pinnacle, it is said to evolve into an Aeon, and the mage in question is said to have "attained" it. Those that have attained an Aeon move above even the revered "Archemages" in rank, and become revered "Archetypes" [hider=Aeon's] Creation - responsible for the bringing in of the new, and the restructuring of the old. Everything under creation falls under the category of "change in being" - whether that change be from nothing, or stemming from an original base. Destruction - That which breaks-down. The Aeon of Destruction governs all aspects of tearing something to pieces. A key aspect of Destruction is that differentiates it from Void is that there are always pieces left to reconstruct. Existence - The objective of Existence is "growth" and "permanence"; Existence governs the whole "being" of something without having changed its core or nature, essentially becoming a bigger version of itself, and thus more important in the scope of the universe while remaining unchanged. Void - Void hungers, it eliminates, and it devours. That is all Void users know, and that is all Void users can do. Void governs not destruction, but complete [i]obliteration.[/i] Nothing remains when touched by the Void. Among the Aeons, it can be said that Void is the easiest to attain. [i]Taming[/i] the Void, however, is another matter entirely. Time - Time is an Aeon that governs place, and the flow of one world into the next. "Worlds" in this case, mean something as simple as someone moving from one place to the next, or perhaps in another direction, or perhaps not even moving at all. It is the Aeon that governs "possibility" and progression. [/hider] [u][b]Magic Ranks[/b][/u] - Mages are classified according to power, control, and their singularity - that is, the percentage of people that can replicate magic similar to theirs. [hider] [indent]Apprentice - a complete beginner, and can only cast the most basic of spells without much precision or skill. Novice - Much like an Apprentice, they are still somewhat clumsy when it comes to weaving magic, however, they are not so much that they are in constant need of a Masters guidance, and can work a little more independently. Journeyman - Skilled, though somewhat rough. To be a Journeyman means you acquired all the skills necessary for independent practice, and require little guidance from instructors. To be a Journeyman is the first step towards Mastery. Most Mages are Journeymen ranked. Master - The minimum require amount in order to take an Apprentice. They are a masters of their craft, and a combination of skill and talent has brought them onto a stage rarely shared. Their names are most likely known globally, as most Masters habitually keep each other informed of themselves. Grandmaster - Higher and higher, your skill and power grow. They are the Master of Masters, and in the normal course of things, unmatched. Their voice is authority, and their word is law. In the entire world, only a fifty Grandmasters exist. Archemage - The top of those that still deign to exist in reality. Powerful is too weak; Wise is too foolish; and special is far too mundane. They are the leaders of the magical world, and are a step short of gods. In fact, they can be said to be physical gods already. Only eleven Archemage exist, and are collectively known as "The Council of Eleven"; Archemages have a nasty tendency to try and kill each other. Their battles usually take place off-plane or somewhere like the middle of the ocean to avoid accidentally reshaping the world. Archetype - Only five with this rank exist. [i]Reina Wisdom[/i] - "The Witch of Creation" "The Silver Brush" "The One True Nobility" [i]Chase Asu Du Morgan[/i] - "The Golden Goddess of Destruction" "The Golden Dawn" "Why Is The Sun Coming Close-ARGH!" [i]Night Sky[/i] - "Void Dweller" "All-Consumer" "Gluttonous Void" [i]Yuri[/i] - [color=fff200]"The Hegemonic and Invincible Empress Unrivaled From Heaven to Earth"[/color] [i]Edward Carter[/i] - "Guardian of the Silver Key" "The Forgemaster" "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Killed" [/indent][/hider] [u][b]Examinations[/b][/u] - Examinations in B.U.M. are the method by which one can prove they've advanced in rank. Examinations are generally held in the presence of at least 3 Masters who have no relation to the examinee(s), and consist of seven tasks. In order for a student enrolled in B.U.M. to graduate they must reach the rank of "Master", regardless of age or number of years in the school; the graduation exam is known as "The Full Circle Exam" and is done in the presence of 7 Masters, 1 Grandmaster, and the Headmaster. Generally, most mages do not pass or attempt the Full Circle, so they opt to stay in the school longer or drop out entirely and seek independent study. On average there are 3 graduates every 11 years. [u][b]School Locations[/b][/u] [hider=A Map of BUM][img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f4203e46-e5f2-4a42-9bbf-02b434e1d795.png[/img] [color=1a7b30][b]Green[/b][/color] are roads or pavement. [color=ed1c24][b]Red[/b][/color] is the pathway of the University Train. Goes at a frighteningly fast speed, it is nevertheless reliable. But really, it goes scary fast. Imagine a roller coaster diving downwards at a ninety-degree angle and accelerating. 1 - Entrance Glyph: The main method of entrance for most people passing into the school. The Glyph itself is not "inside" the school, but is connected to it magically. There is a barrier surrounding the glyph preventing anything from entering or leaving the glyph unless carrying a special permit (such as the admission letter or student I.D.) 2 - Security office: The Security Office, where most Enforcers reside. Buildings that are color [color=a187be][b]purple[/b][/color] are security buildings, such as clinics. The circular buildings in particular are Guard-Towers. 3 - The HAM: Otherwise known as "the huge-ass mall". That's a student nickname. It's real name is the Cotton Store, but most students refer to it as The Ham, or just "huge-ass mall", because, really, it's huge. Buildings colored [b][color=0072bc]indigo[/color][/b] are commercial areas, such as arcades, shops, restaurants. 4 - Student Dorms: 5 storey high apartment buildings. Most students have at least two other roommates. Built close to the dorms are botanical gardens where live pets too big for the apartments and some special plants can be kept. 5 - Administrative Offices: These are were the Department Heads for each College "Work"; empty most of the time, except for the Department of Academic Affairs, who have the [i]honor[/i] of dealing with all of the necessary paperwork. 6 - Research Building: Most magical research is done here, due to the fact that it manages to keep your experiments from blowing up in your face, killing you, possessing you, going insane, ect. Very popular with older Journeymen. 7 - Academic Buildings & Gyms: These are where most studies are conducted. The classrooms, if you will. 8 - Sparring and Dueling Grounds: The one place where you're permitted to be the snot out of another student. S&D Grounds must be reserved before use, and are otherwise surrounded by a barrier. 9 - University Graveyard 10 - The Headmasters Tower: the Tower of Headmaster Niccolo. The tallest building in the university, stretching up to seventy five meters in length. The base serves as another Administrative Building for those who are asking permission to use visit the graveyard or explore the forest. 11 - Colosseum Glyph: Another teleportation glyph. It transports those inside to the floating Colosseum above the school. Special Tickets required for entry. 12 - Communal Mess Hall: A large, two storey building where food is served. A large variety of food is always served here and [i]breakfast is always free[/i]; however it is only open in certain times: 5:30 am - 10 am for breakfast; 12 pm - 4 pm for lunch; 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm for dinner. 13 - University Woods. Strange creatures and weird plants live here, unregulated and wild. A natural hot spot for prime ingredients and powerful familiars, it's nevertheless easily the most dangerous place in the University. Permission is required to enter and Novices and below are forbidden outright. [/hider] [u][b]Field Trips[/b][/u] - Only Novices and above can go on school field trips. Some locations may require you to be at least Journeyman rank, and sometimes with a Masters permission or presence. Field Trips are usually undertaken for the purpose of gathering materials, study, or experience. Locations include the likes of the realm of the Fae, Atlantis, and Tartarus. Requests for a field trip must be submitted through the Department of Academic Affairs with at the signatures of at least [i]three[/i] participants - you are not allowed to go on a field trip alone! [u][b]I.D.[/b][/u] - the all important Information Document! Each faculty and student is issued their own, unique ID upon acceptance to the school. Don't mistake them for just an average piece of plastic, however. The ID's contain powerful identification magic that not only allows you pass through most of the schools natural defenses unharmed, but also access its facilities. Without an ID, good luck being able to do things like take the train, receive letters from outside the school, or even go shopping!