I am here!~ Gonna put her here so I don't lose her, but do tell when I can move her to the Char tab~ [hider=Viola Rifei] [center] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1669/932127acf707c7bcc4d02faa60c5e001382509ef.jpg?1748280[/img] [color=a187be]"Do I know you? No, I don't think so, But do you want to play anyways? No? Waaah? You'll make a little girl cry...That's too bad...I am Viola Rifei, pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Viola Rifei [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] female [color=a187be]"Despite my appearance, I am not a child and would appreciate it if you did treat me as one...unless you plan on spoiling me. Then go ahead, hehe~"[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at four foot seven and usually sporting a slightly mischievous, somewhat knowing seeming smirk, Viola is definitely not what one would call physically impressive. Slender, and lacking any sort of definite muscle. Sometimes, she is mistaken for a child because of her appearance. Her skin is free of any blemishes and markings of any kind. Her eyes are a dark grey color and sports black colored hair that falls well past her shoulders. Clothing wise, she is a fan of rather complicated and somewhat eccentric and expensive dresses, preferring darker colors such as black, purple, and dark blue. Her current dress is a black dress, with white accents and red bows that falls to her waist where it meets a pair of black stockings and dress shoes. Why she chose to wear those instead of something more suiting is anyone guess. Some assume she's simply the child of a wealthy family and takes very good care of herself and is quite the pampered little brat, and doesn't know any better. She comments she simply likes the style. [b]Year:[/b] 2nd. [b]Rank:[/b] Novice [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Viola...definitely does not behave the way her appearance might suggest. At first impression, she'd come off as incredibly formal and polite. Talk with her long enough though, and you'll find a somewhat self-centered, cynical, mischievous, somewhat playfully aggressive little girl who has a rather large seeming ego. However, this is just her attempting to be 'cute' or 'cheeky'. Truthfully, she doesn't take her own words to heart, and would never consider herself better than anyone. After that, she is fairly friendly and likes meeting people and being around people, and also simply likes watching them for...entertainment purposes. Another thing to note, would be an insatiable curiosity about anything and everything. Magic, history, technology...everything. While her physical skills are lacking, her academic studies and focus on such things likely make her one of the smarter persons in the school. However, like with everyone, she does have her own vices and sins. Hers, is curiosity and a lust and love of all knowledge, and her rather cynical and logical outlook on life and people, despite her seeming playfulness. She, would do anything for the sake of knowledge, and her curiosity drives her to meddle in quite a number of affairs, especially ones that offer the most entertainment value. For the most part, they are likely to be harmless...but perhaps, it could get everyone into trouble one day. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] [hider=Spirit Contractor/Summoner] Spirit Contractor/Summoner Simply put, Viola is quite in tune with the spiritual forces of the world. Creatures that initially have no corporeal form, or possibly those creatures such as Naiads, Dryads, or Nymphs, she can usually communicate with on some level. This can offer her quite a bit of versatility when it comes to combat and skills, as each spirit offers her a differing set of abilities, usually. She may even 'Contract' a spirit, as in give it a physical form and have it become a permanent partner until she decides to terminate that contract. Some things to keep in mind though, is that summoning spirits usually takes quite a while, depending on the skill of the summoner and the rank of the spirit. It is also a one time deal, the duration of their help only usually lasting for a brief moment in time, lasting typically anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes. This can have quite the downside in a direct conflict, since she would require protection of some sort to be able to summon one. The power of the spirit varies, but typically they can be quite devastating against most foes. They may manifest themselves as a separate entity, or merely lend a fraction of their power to Viola for her to command themselves. Another spirit summoner could possibly force the spirit back to wherever it came as well, should they be skilled enough. Contracting a spirit is entirely different, however. It requires the contractor to make a deal with the spirit, for whatever reason. Upon completion of the contract, the spirit begins living 'with' the mage, typically they start sharing a body, and their power is easily summoned by the mage. The contents of the contract can be anything the spirit or mage desire. This offers quite an advantage over simply summoning one for a duration of time. However, the downside is they are unable to summon another spirit for as long as this contract is taken, and they can only contract one, possibly two at the same time, and its sometimes quite a difficult process and the mage can sometimes get the bad end of the deal if they're not careful and are dealing with a less...nicely inclined spirit. To contract one, it varies from spirit to spirit. It could be as simple as a binding, verbal agreement, or as bad as a seal signed in blood. Currently, as a simple Novice she is capable enough. Summoning a spirit typically requires quite a bit of time, though and she would need to be quite careful when contracting a stronger one, and she currently doesn't have one. It is more difficult to forcibly send back a contracted spirit, as by law of the contract they are forbidden from leaving until they terminate the contract. [/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Carries a journal on her, where she keeps up with various spells, rituals, and names of potentially interesting spirits she learned from her master. [b]Biography:[/b] Viola's life has been rather...mundane, if one counts being raised by a Mage who made it quite clear she wasn't her parent as mundane. That's not to say Livia wasn't a loving guardian figure, but she was incredibly strict and made sure Viola knew the meaning of the word 'Study' and 'Academics'. In fact, the two got along surprisingly well, with Viola's natural curiosity and propensity for things of the academic nature, save for the both of theirs rather...mischievous natures. When she was ten, she started learning the practical applications of magic, starting with simply 'seeing' the spirits. When she was twelve, she started learning how to communicate with them, which was made difficult by the fact that each spirit sometimes had a different way to communicate. A different dialect, language, or sometimes they didn't communicate at all, depending on their origins. When fourteen, she summoned her first spirit under Livia's supervision. That was about the extent of their relationship. Livia told her should should pursue her own studies after that. Viola of course, decided to take her up on that offer and has been studying at B.U.M. for the past year or so. [b]Master:[/b] Livia Fiore. A User of spirit herself, who insisted upon being called 'Mistress' when she was apprenticing under her. She taught her the basics and saw her through her first summoning, but after that Viola was on her own. Livia, and likewise Viola, are large believers in independent study and after making sure she knew everything in theory, she let Viola go and study on her own. It's unlikely she will take another, unless the benefit would be too great for her to say no too. [b]If[/b] [Viola] [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] Anything is fair game, it would just depend on if the sacrifice was worth it. Nothing is too valuable to lose, if what would be gained was of perceived equal value. Otherwise, she wouldn't take the deal. If no one else would step up to the plate and this was an important matter, she'd step up to the plate without hesitation though. [b]If[/b] [Viola] [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] Simply put, Immortality. She would give up [i]everything[/i] for the chance for it. A simple, age-old want that quite a few men have had in the past. [/hider]