(Full) Name: Roselyn Candy Carmella Age: 15 Looks: She usually wears https://poshmark.com/listing/Light-blue-periwinkle-peplum-top-57ab6c6f8f0fc455c2008056?utm_source=gdm&gdm_bottom=false&campaign_id=673504933&utm_campaign=673504933&gclid=CPv3xKGEzM8CFY82gQod8k8MtA, http://m.shein.com/us/Black-Elastic-Waist-Flare-PU-Leather-Skirt-p-172478-cat-1732.html?url_from=madplaskirt140604004o&gclid=CLap3PKxktACFU46gQodL7MH0A, http://www1.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/blanknyc-girls-faux-leather-moto-jacket-sizes-s-xl?ID=1643812&pla_country=US&cm_mmc=Google-PLA-ADC-_-Kids-NA-_-Blanknyc-_-744199647225USA&CAWELAID=120156070002883356&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=15336020311&CATCI=pla-260170953968&catargetid=120156070004076617&cadevice=c, and wears black converse or dark brown, 1-inch booties. She has blue/soft/doe-like eyes, long/wavy blonde hair, and long legs. Personality: Shy, artistic, quiet, quirky, soft-spoken, apologetic, she puts reason over her heart usually, she loves to dance and sing (but she has stage fright), and she is very clumsy, but tries to be graceful. Bio: Her French mom, who moved over to America from France with Roselyn's dad, is in alcoholic rehab, and her father died in a war a few years back. She has to lie to the apartment landlord a lot about who's actually paying the rent and where all this money is coming from. She works at her local coffee shop as a waitress and pays for her cheap, run-down apartment in a cruddy neighborhood. Fandom: Music