Well I managed to think of something, of course I need approval when it comes to these custom magic abilities, critique would also be greatly appreciated. [@Slime] [@Dawnscroll] [hider=Alexander Gottwald] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/a3ee/th/pre/f/2014/273/7/d/templar_by_meissner_kun-d812gst.jpg[/img] Name(s): Alexander Gottwald Gender: Male Age: 20 Personality: A timid, but kind and intelligent man, but one who's outlook on life has left him weary of strangers, and even more weary of strange things. He is a very religious man, and is absolutely against anything that would be considered Amoral by the Church, he also follows the Church blindly, seeing anything he is ordered to do by them as heroic, no matter how horrid. however, he stands by his beliefs, no matter what, of course this is somewhat downplayed by his fearful nature. Still, he has potential for incredible bravery, primarily when defending those he deems worthy of defending. Biography and Family History: Born to a family of up and coming German mages, Alexander was the only child, and was of course, the family’s hope for furthering their magical talents. The family specialized in Earth magecraft to an amazing degree, due to this Alexander’s parents needed him to carry on the legacy of earth magecraft. Alexander however, was not born with the element of Earth, instead he was born with an element that none of the family had heard of. Thrown into grief and rage, Alexander’s mother locked herself in her room, while his Father, and Grandfather, debated what to do with the child. Alexander’s father stated the child should be abandoned, no spots should remain on their family name, while his Grandfather argued that the child deserved a chance to prove himself, eventually, after two years of arguing, the young Alexander’s fate was decided: he was to be given to the Church. A priest in a Scottish branch of the Church found the child on the doorstep, tears in his eyes, a note in his hand, it explained the situation as vaguely as possible, without even supplying the family’s name. The priest took pity on the child, abandoned and disgraced, and decided to take him in. Alexander was taught the ways of the Church, and taught how to use his odd magic by the ancient leader of the branch of the Church, the only living man who shared Alexander’s magical origin and element. While also taught how to find with many weapons, by a kind retired Templar. At age 15 Alexander was accepted into the Templars, After five years of fighting for the Church, Alexander was a changed man, he had committed several horrible acts to support those who raised him, and was even offered a chance to become an Executioner for the Church, yet oddly enough, the young man declined, he stated that he had committed horrid acts, and did not truly have the stomach for an Executioner, but he would repay those who raised him, so he would spend his life serving. Origin and Elemental Affinity: Holy Light And Sky Respectively. Number of Magic Circuits and Quality of Magic Circuits: 35 Of decent quality. Magic Circuit Switch: Quoting the Bible. Magecraft: Holy Blessings: A type of magic not unlike enchantments, Holy Blessings is a procedure that allows the user to temporarily envelop whatever item is effected in Holy Light, giving it different effects depending on circumstances. The way to activate this magic is as follows: A lock of hair, a bit of skin, or some blood, this must be attached, or touching the object the user means to bless in some way. The user then activates their Magic Circuits, and wards off evil by making a cross with his hand movements. If done properly, the user must then say one of the following things: “Now protect thine wearer, and repel all evil!” “Now strike down those that mean to harm your wielder, and always stay in god’s faith!” “Now make haste ye vehicles of the lord, chase down those that mean to mock the lord, and never lose faith!” The different speeches bring about increased defense, strength, and speed, respectively. The Lord’s Gift: A type of healing magic combining Holy Light, and Healing. By raising one’s hands to the sky, activating their Magic Circuits, and maintaining faith in the lord, the user may heal any injured in a 10 foot radius, by using holy light. The downside however, is that the healing is unfocused, and may be used to accidentally heal enemies as well as allies. Mystic Codes and Equipment: A sword, given to him by the Church, and a matching Shield. The garbs of a templar. A holy bible. Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Trained to fight with many weapons by the church. Adept in reading people’s emotions. Multi-Lingual. [/hider]