[@Zhaliora][@Caits][@ChaoticFox][@Vicier] [center] [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M1add070ad0543de8b726f5fc8142e574o0&pid=15.1[/img] [color=orange] [h3]The twins[/h3] interacting with: Echo, Kim, Cody, Cassandra, Syl (spelling...not my forte) [/color] [/center] [hr] Aron nodded and wrote down Kim's order. He raised a brow when she asked for a kiss as well. He was confused until he turned at the sound of Cody's voice to be embraced by Cody. He felt himself freeze a bit, his heart racing to the point he feared it would fall out. A flush went on his face, but he managed to breath enough to hug his crush back. A hug that held him close until Cody stepped out of the hug. A flicker of disappointment went through his eyes. For a few moments Aron felt his courage go up. He tucked the notepad and pen into his pocket and went to Cody. He managed to stop him before he sat down and turned Cody to face him. He paused a moment before kissing Cody. The kiss was light and unsure but still a fairly deep kiss. After a few moments he pulled away and swallowed. [color=lightgreen]"S-S-S-sorry"[/color] he managed to squeak out. He didn't know if what he just managed to do was even okay. He heard echo though. Aron turned and nodded to echo before going to his brother and pulling him away from Cassandra and Syl. Gage huffed and went with Aron. who proceeded to pace. [color=pink]"I was pulled in here why?"[/color] Aron spun. [color=lightgreen]"I kissed Cody did you not see that"[/color] Gage chuckled and started to work on cooking Kim's order. [color=pink]"I did....and then you ran"[/color] Aron stopped. [color=lightgreen]"Shit is that bad? I just lost my courage after that what do-"[/color] Aron got cut off as he got shoved out of the kitchen in front of Cassandra and Syl. He was blushing hard still and managed to squeak. [color=lightgreen]"H-h-hey"[/color]