[quote=@NecroKnight] [hider=Azrekan Kingdom] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3c2f88c5-3fe5-4dee-ae66-c88f10d5a9e3.gif [/img] [b]Nation Name[/b]: Azrekan Kingdom [b]Head of State, Age[/b]: Viscountess Merebelle Light [b]Capital[/b]: Highwall [b]City Names[/b]: [list] [*]Saxor [*]Livonia [*]Danzik [*]Freduk [*]Rovain [*]Hansea [*]Har-Mor [*]Lowhaven [*]Aern [*]Vesto [/list] [b]Province Names[/b]: [list] [*] Arden [*] Balden [*] Carden [*] Uzden [*] Yuden [/list] [b]Emphasis[/b]: (Please select two. Order is not important) -- Stability. -- Military. [b]Brief History[/b] The Azrekan Kingdom is situated around the coast of Gilbadia - another nation, which whom they have had warm relationships throughout history. The Azrekans are known for their highly disciplined soldiers, strong army and pristine calm. It has been spoken in their history, that due to Azrekan' mountainous terrain - that the barbarians whom settled down here, were never conquered by force - rather by intermingling with the various other people that migrated here. It still believed that even today, many Azrekans carry such a warrior' spirit. The mountains that dot their landscape provide a natural protection against invasions - despite this, the Azrekans have maintained a strong army and have partaken in many wars, that have plagued the Continent. Throughout it, they have managed to maintain a stability of their own lands - due to the fact, that Azrekans mostly pride themselves on merit and hard-work. With even the females learning how to defend their homes, in case of an invasion. [/hider] [/quote] Accepted, though it's important to note that patriarchy would reign--women wouldn't nominally have very significant rights in 1815.