[centre][b][h1][color=aba000]Cody[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cody didn't expect to be stopped. And he certainly didn't expect Aron to kiss him. It took him by utter surprise, and by the time his somewhat fried brain came back to functioning, the kiss was almost over. He responded, perhaps more enthausatically then was needed, but it was [i]aron[/i]. He stood there, as if any moment he would run, or perhaps just pass out. [i]Oh, Oh my[/i]. Suddenly that was all Cody needed, to truly know. Aron was Gay. And [i]he liked him[/i]. He watched Aron grab his brother, move into the kitchen, and then be shoved back out by Gage. A dopey sort of smile had spread across his features, even though he was sure his face was as red as could be. He leaned against his table, finding his legs to be weak, and unsure if he could make the two steps to the seat. He didn't think he could go over to Aron, right then. He was sure if he did, one of them might spontaeously combust. And he didn't want to scare Aron away, not now. And there was so many people here. Still, he watched Aron, his food forgotten, but he did drink the milkshake, the cool drink refreashing after feeling so damn [i]hot[/i]. He supposed he'd just have to wait until Aron's shift was over... [centre][b][h1][color=f6989d]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Finding Gage to be so shy, was cute. He seemed to just become...softer. And that was something she rarely saw-generally whenever he was around Syleste. Cassie smiled, and said quite innocently, [color=f6989d]"I'm just taking Syl shopping with me, for snacks and stuff. Managed to convince her mother to let her come tomorrow"[/color] She smiled brightly, her eyes drifting over to Aron, and Cody. [i]I don't think i could have orchastrated that better[/i] She cheered inwardly when Aron kissed Cody, but watched as he ran off, dragging Gage with him. [color=f49ac2]"Wait, no, damn it!"[/color] She said, but she figured only Syleste heard her. She gave a sigh, smiling as Aron was pushed back towards them. Without hesitation, she rose and hugged Aron, [color=f49ac2]"He's watching you, Aron"[/color] She said softly, with a grin. [color=f49ac2]"You should go back over to him, I can get Gage back out here....I don't mind cooking."[/color] She lowered her voice so that only Aron-and okay, maybe Syl-could hear [color=f49ac2]"Cody's liked you forever"[/color] Leaving Aron with that bit of information, Cassie trotted back behind the counter, into the kitchen. It wasn't the first time she had done that, nor, she knew, would it be the last. [color=f49ac2]"Why are you hiding back here? You could have at least come back out and said goodbye to Syl-just up and leaving when she can't see you being dragged off! Don't make me drag her back here, I can't watch out for all the knives in this place, and if I let her get hurt, goodness knows how I'l convince her mother to allow her to come! I'll cook"[/color] She said, settling that argument before it could begin. [@BlackPanther][@Vicier]