[b][u] Core Regions World of Aishka [/u][/b] Hanging in high orbit above the world of Aishka was the 1st Joint Expeditionary Force, a multi-national task force established by the Kasian Republic and the Hexanagallion State, two long-standing allies. The task force had been active for nearly a decade, traveling from one conflict hot spot to another, giving aide to minor allied states in any way possible, be it in the form of humanitarian aid, peacekeeping, or more active military operations. In the years they've been active, the Expeditionary Force has grown a reputation among the civilian populations on worlds they've aided, often referring to them to their now unofficial title "The Angels". The entirety of the Joint Expeditionary force hung in orbit, their fleet numbering in over two dozen Republic and Hexanagallion vessels, ready to assist yet another ally in need, the Aishka Principality, a former world of the long dead Imperium Remnants has come under attack by their far larger neighbor, the Most Serene Republic of Yandras. For most of it's life the Yandras Republic has been under the indefinite rule of the Taspara Family, a former imperial noble house turned power mad despots. Now the Angels have been tasked to assist the principality in retaking their world from the despotic forces of the mad Taspara Dynasty. [u]Aboard the Supercarrier [i]Archangel[/i][/u] Eighty Regulars of the Republic Army of varying species lined up in an orderly fashion, standing at attention as a scarred, yet intimidating man in his early forties paced back and forth, his eyes fiercely glued to ever trooper, the man went by the name [url=http://www.fallenfrontiers.com/galeria/content/img12.jpg]Jarus Zaamil[/url]. "Alright ladies and genetlmen." He said in intimating, gruff and gravelly voice. "We're going in for another relief effort." He paused as he pulled out a small holo-display device, it lit with life as a large holo model of the Aishkan Capital City of Musenberg appeared. "Our mission is standard protocol: secure allied positions before the rest of the ground ponders follow." Some of the more green troopers were getting nervous, excited, and eager for the fight. "Aishkan Intelligence warns us that this won't be a cakewalk." Jarus said. "Expect heavy resistance, the Yandrans have fortified their forward positions, they'll do everything in their power to shoot us out of the skies and keep us from the city." Within moments, the alarms started going off, the first wave of dropships ready to depart "Ah, just in time...Grave Company, move out!" "Sir, yes sir!" they replied in unison as they rushed to their seats within the several Razorwing-class Combat Dropships, buckling up. Once all had boarded, the Razorwings had begun to hum with life as they prepared to jet out of the Hanger Bay, and into the fray. Several dozen dropships launched from the massive carrier, dozens more launching from the Hexanagallion half of the fleet, all diverting towards one location on the whole planet, the capital itself. The transition from space to the atmosphere was a relativity calm moment, all the more nerve wreaking for the many occupants of the dropships. Within Jarus' ship, he held on to a small rail above him, observing his men as they mentally prepared themselves for the bloody fight ahead. In all their years serving in the 1st Joint Expeditionary force, one can never get use to the calm before the storm, the knowing this could be their last moment alive. Jarus noticed one particular soldier looking very pale. "Breakfast not sitting well, adam?" he asked jokingly. "Sir, yes sir...." He replied weakly. "I'm not gonna make it..." "For God's sake, please hold it till we hit ground." A young female soldier next him said. " "I can't make promises." Adam replied. The trip down continued smoothly, however that moment of peace had come to an end as they approached the city, Anti-Air emplacements placed all around it fired all at once as they lit the skies aflame. Dropships left and right blowing into pieces or shot down as they continued their advance. Jarus' dropship begun to tremor violently as it dodged as many shots as it could. "Hang on!" he shouted, everyone gripping tightly to their harnesses. The dropships of Grave Company stuck in close formation as they drew close to the ground. "Get ready to run for it!" the pilot shouted over the intercom. "In three...two.." In that instant, the craft roughly landed, the the doors sliding open as the light entered the room, revealing a ruined city before them. Grave Company had reached their destination within the city limits, landing in a middle of a Aiskan camp. Jarus was the first to step out and was approached by a rather finely dressed young woman, typical for a pre-fall noble. "Many thanks for your arrival, friend, I am Princess Helen of the House of Rolance." As the rest of his men departed from their craft, Jarus gave a strange look to the young royal, but brushed it off, in such conflicts, every able-bodied man or woman is needed, no matter their class in society. "Captain Zaamil of Grave Company." he said as an older man, around his late fifties stepped forward from the princess' side. "You came just in time, the Yandrans are launching a large scale attack on our position and we could use the extra firepower." the pair cleared a way for the republic soldiers to take a glimpse of what was ahead. A battalion's worth of infantry were on the match, supported by an armored column of tanks and walkers. "Shit, everyone! get in positions now!" Jarus orders urgently as he rushed towards the makeshift walls. The rest of the company soon followed, all rushing forward as the battle was to begin. All but one of Grave Company stayed behind for but a moment. Private Adam weakly stepping out of the ship. "Oh thank god.." he said as he rushed behind the dropship and proceeded to...lose his breakfast.