She rolled her eyes as he pointed out that she would have to get used to more than just door openings. "Oh no.. see my DAD goes to the White House, meanwhile we all do our best to keep Lu out of the public eye. Let's face it, Dad's cut out for the public, I on the other hand would need constant reminders we can't call reporters Stupid mother fuckers and kick them in the shins for blocking our way." She grinned and said as he slid into the drivers seat. It was hard to tell if she was teasing or not. She was mostly kidding, but as this morning had shown, she could have a short fuse when pressed personally. They got back to the apartment and she let him do his thing, waiting in the tiny space that served as a kitchen until he gave the all clear. She then headed toward the bedroom having to remind herself she could no longer strip on the way. She closed the door leaving it slightly ajar as she stripped off the suit and slipped on a pair of clean yoga pants and an over sized college t-shirt. It was an outfit she used normally to run, but she probably wouldn't be doing much of that over the next few days. She heard him call out to her that she should take a nap. She grabbed a clean pair of socks from her dresser and opened her door. She leaned against the door frame slipping her socks on one at a time. "Yeah... my adrenaline levels are through the roof right now. Sleep is not even close to a thought in my mind right now." She said as she padded back to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water before she started rummaging in the fridge, throwing out almost everything she touched. She was agitated, and it was in every line of her body. "This whole situation sucks." She said as she slammed the fridge shut and leaned against the counter to look at him. "Unfortunately I talk when I have emotions. Normally I would phone a friend, but in this case... what 5, maybe 6 people know what is going on, so I am afraid You're it today." She sighed softly. "I am glad he found me, I really am. The whole dad thing kind of weirds me out on a normal level, but this... This is NUTS!" She said as she reached on top of the fridge and grabbed a couple of trash bags out of a box on the top. She walked to the couch and started shoving laundry in the trash bags for the laundromat tomorrow. "I mean I didn't ask for any of this. I was just fine, now... shit my biggest fear 4 hours ago was not finishing my degree, but right now in this moment, it doesn't really matter. My entire life is about to change, and none of it is my choice." She tied off the trash bag and drug it off the couch towards the wall next to the door. She still had another few bags worth of laundry. "I am thrilled Erik is likely to win this election, sure, I promise you we have some political differences, but all in all he's a damn good choice, but fuck me! If it ever gets out my relation to him..." She shook her head in frustration. "I am at a loss. Do I finish this damn degree I poured tens of thousands of dollars I don't have into? If I do finish, can I deal with any employment I gain from this point out is either nepotism if it's government, or based on my political connections in the private sector? And then, Add in the fact that I am angry at him for being a politician, that just makes me mad at myself for being angry and selfish." She rubbed her face with one hand and looked at Serge. "Is hiding in Mexico an option? I mean what... a good decade or so and this will all blow over right?"