Lucia was so surprised by the physical contact that she didn't even try to pull away, which would have been the norm for her. She actually sunk into his embrace her head resting against his chest. She slowed her breathing to match his heartbeat. It had an immediately calming effect. Whatever else may have happened this morning between the two of them, in this moment, everything was exactly right. She let go of the death grip she had on the back of his shirt as he pulled away. She straightened up and listened to the words he had to say. He wasn't a talker so far, so when he did speak it carried more weight to her. It worked well for them since she did enough talking for three. She laughed as he commented on her place and asked for her cleaning supplies. "Under the sink. Don't be surprised if they have cobwebs." Before he could turn away she grabbed his arm again. For a woman who always said she wasn't touchy feely, she was doing a damn good job of proving herself wrong this morning. "Thanks. I needed that. The hug and the advice both, but you may have to repeat it again once I am knee deep in reporters." She said with a smile as she used her free hand to push a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. "I'm being realistic, if it doesn't happen before the election, it will happen eventually. Two can keep a secret if one of them are dead." She let go of his arm with a shrug. "I am a worrier. I worry until there is something actionable, and then well I do what I have to. Makes me great at emergency management, by the time the worst happens, I have thought of a million different ways it can all go wrong, so when it does I have a plan. Makes me hell to watch the news with. Oh, and I am never allowed to watch the weather channel unsupervised. Mom always joked she was afraid she would call to check on me and find that I was in some refugee camp in the middle of a flood or war zone." She led the way to the kitchen and opened the cabinet under the sink, she seemed to have a thing for the scent of Gain. Everything down to the trash bags were scented with it.