People had told Serge in the past that he came across as a brute. A rude, direct brute that always had to have his way and the biggest example he’d get of these ‘actions’ were ones of the nature he just detail to the young woman soaking in the bath tub. It wasn’t because ‘he knew what was best for her’ or he was ‘forcing her into it’ it was simply that she needed it and most people would talk themselves out of doing something for themselves when they really shouldn’t. So Serge took it upon himself to insure that she had a little quality time to herself. In the short time she was in the bath, he had cleaned up her living room and put her dirty clothes next to the door to be taken to the laundry mat. This wasn’t anything new for him, however he wasn’t particularly fond of cleaning a client’s house; but, this girl worked hard, very hard, the least she deserved was a little help. Plus it wasn’t [i]that[/i] bad, it was just bad enough that his OCD kicked in and he [i]had[/i] to clean it before it drove him up a wall. At least she seemed to appreciate it, even just a little was better than most. He was fussing around in her kitchen. Boy, she had little to nothing in here. Apparently take out was all this girl ate. His face dropped into a frown. He was hungry and there’s no doubt she would be too. It was already lunch time and he hadn’t had breakfast. His personal routine was getting ruined and he was determined to stay somewhere with it. After reorganizing her pantry he found two bags of top romaine and despite his lack of interest in the product, he prepared the two bags into bowls and couldn’t help but chuckle as he heard her statement from the doorway looking into the living room. “You don’t have anything to cook or else I’d show off a little. But seeing as it is lunch time and I doubt you have ate yet, you need something in your stomach.” With that he emerged from the kitchen with two plates. On each of them was a bowl of top romaine and a good sized helping of crackers. “Here.” With that he handed her the plate with the food and spoon on it before taking a seat on her now clean and straightened up love seat and began to eat. “Three meals a day is important to strength. You’ve got a long day ahead of you, the least you can do is take care of yourself before-hand.” He said in his blunt yet oddly caring fashion as he munched away on a cracker and yes, in case you’re wondering, he’s still in the apron.