"Why don't you show me to the bar. I could do with a drink." [color=gray]Jack essentially demanded with a deadpan stare. Vivienne forced a smile.[/color] [color=darkgray]'So charming...'[/color][color=gray] She heard Lerick hiss in her head and she shot him a dirty look.[/color] "Of course." [color=gray]Vivienne chimed, turning on her heel, expecting him to follow. Well placed candles and eloquent chandeliers lighted the way down the narrow [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fW9OnRg2XZo/TJES4g1rpmI/AAAAAAAAAds/eUu1PIBmFWY/s1600/DSC01485.JPG]corridors[/url], illuminating the pale brick walls. Stepping outside to the courtyard she walked them down the [url=http://www.marketmanila.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/187.jpg]vestibule[/url], currently with the drapes down to block outside light, until they reached a set of doors leading into a decently sized [url=http://cdn.mtlblog.com/uploads/2015/01/tavern-1000x666.jpg]room[/url] with an arched stone roof. High metal circular rungs held candles that reflected the light off the stone that partially illuminated the room while candles on tables supplemented the soft lighting below. Vivienne approached the bar, an older gentleman standing behind the counter taking inventory of various liquor bottles against the wall. She cleared her throat softly to announce their presence, the patrons already served, seated and chattering softly among themselves. The barkeep turned and smiled as his eyes fell upon her.[/color] "Ma très chère Vivienne!" [color=gray]The man exclaimed, reaching over the counter to grab her palms in her fingers. He pressed his cheek to hers, kissing the air, and repeated on the other side.[/color] "Bonjour Boden." [color=gray]Vivienne grinned, giving his hands a light squeeze.[/color] "Our guest requested to have a drink, he is childe to Mama Lion, Elder of Barbados. The Smiling Man, Jack." [color=gray]Boden quickly tensed, to which she noticed, but said nothing.[/color] "Pleasure to meet you Jack, what's your poison?" [color=gray][sub]**Added links in posts and in OOC as visual aids. **Added/Updated Character Bio's[/sub][/color]