[quote]Some likely types of feedback I'd find helpful, though feel free to expand beyond this. What intrigues you. What sort of things make you personally feel invested, engaged, and gives you the urge, the passion, to post? Points if you give examples.[/quote] Being able to plot, scheme and weave a story with others to create a fun, and interesting story for all those involved. I enjoy working with people and honestly determining connections which is part of the reason I made Charles like I did, where there was many connecting points like student, co-worker, etc. There’s also a few points that get his attention easily which can lead to some drama, excitement, etc for the story. Rumples and I was talking and together we figured a way to nudge Charles into the Resistance group, using Rico. I made several ways for Charles to be attacked or connected to ICly and get excited when someone besides me uses them, which I got about three people already making full use of them creating a small sub-plot to motivate our PCs. I also enjoy exploring twists and different views on things that can be cliche sometimes, writing them in a different way that is fun to read and write. Talking about these ideas, all of them, help with the motivation even if it’s just once in awhile (even for an hour or so) and I’m not the one to bring it up all the time. Namely because I feel like I’m nagging honestly when I do. [quote]What are your thoughts about where we are/were in the plot right now (The gatherings/meetings)? [/quote] Personally, I think it’s too soon for this. We’ve not really had an IC day to get into the skins of our PCs or seen the effect of Prae control has over the city, including how it might affect our PCs directly. Mostly we have what is stated in the OP, OC and what the GMs informed us about which I found a bit hard to make Charles care about without a push from another source. Unless someone actually made a PC designed to join the Resistance Group, which feels like that type of thing defeats the idea of a sandbox rp to me, then it’s hard to make a PC care about joining such a dangerous cause. However, I can still work with it as it is. With what Rico did with Charles, he’ll be actually take the ‘leadership’ role for the Resistance and help organize them then direct over what needs to be done. Rather than him simply caring only about his day to day life and leave the fighting to others. [quote]What would you like to avoid in terms of interactions in the immediate future?[/quote] I’m pretty open to interactions, honestly as I got Charles involved in the current plot and he’ll stick through it due to Rico’s threat. There’s only a few things that will deter him from actually continuing and that’s primarily threats to his students and teaching potential. [quote]Things that, so far, have caught your interest.[/quote] The currently small plot I have going with Rumples, Luna and Angel. Granted it’s not fully in swing yet, but I think it will be a fun read and experience when we get going. I’m curious about Dranai’s fate a bit. I’m also hoping Charles will play an interesting role in furthering the plot, namely as he will take a leadership role which is a role he’s actually never done in his life and avoided like the plague. [quote]Your thoughts on the scope and direction of things. (The Resistance and what is causing it)? Is it too big? Is it not involved enough, or do you feel it is not justified at current time)[/quote] I feel it’s a bit random, especially with the IC stating clearly the Prae occupation has been in effect for ½ to a full year at least. I find it hard to explain why no one started something before this and it makes me wonder why our PCs would have a dedicated reason to actually start and stick with it. As far as the IC shows, there’s no indication of the Prae directly affecting any of them save what’s said in the OP, OC, and the GMs have told us about the racial issues toward Licentia (which affect a total of 3 PCs) and the disappearances. Charles [i]might[/i] investigate the disappearance of his fellow teacher but that would be on his own time and effort as well as when he finds out. Beyond the mention, or NPC reactions, there’s not been much focus on it which I feel there should be. I’m not even fully sure why we’re breaking a random woman out of jail as our first mission which I assume will be explained ICly. [quote]What would you like to have addressed? (Mentioning it does not mean it will be addressed immediately, just fyi. This is for my notes, if you will *wink*)[/quote] Part of me actually thinks the disappearances, ones that have been mentioned, would do some good to be addressed as a starting point for the Resistance’s activities. Namely as NPCs, or reports, could come to them through various means and result in them investigating a few cases at a time. Each time PCs could utilizing their abilities, skills and more in not just combative setting but actually in different aspects of the missions even if it’s just grunt work. With each ‘case’ and lead they work, they could be pulled deeper and deeper into the Prae’s attention. I would like for the player’s choices to create aftermath for not just them individually, but the city and others as well. Namely because at this stage there feels to be less of a connection between what our PCs are doing and how it affects the city. Prae, even if it’s just a select few, becoming a more active enemy against our PCs. It feels, currently, like they are actually playing a waiting game with occupation of the city rather than actually providing anything our PCs could conflict with. Currently, not many of our PCs actually ever encounter Prae in their daily lives and makes it hard to have a reason to fight against an enemy that doesn’t do much to cause a reason to want to fight them. [quote]When you joined this RP, what did you see yourself/your characters doing?[/quote] Well, I wanted to do several things. Writing in a new setting, both weaving the story and help flesh out a world by adding some of my ability of twisting things into something interesting to write out. The example is Charles being a immortal. Many are moody, isolated and don’t need to socialize with people but honestly that image always bothered me because no matter how long you live, you’re still human by nature. You have needs, and such, even if you no longer have the fear of death to look forward to. I actually gave Charles weak points I would like to see taken advantage of in order to create conflict for his PC. From his students to Lilith, even having Prae actually start to influence how he teaches. I think would mainly show the Prae’s authority in at least in a few subtle ways. However, I didn’t just want to write this alone as I don’t fully like to and don’t know how well to proceed really with how the Prae might operate. Also, after Charles has gotten attached to his friends, I hope to start to explore his history bit by bit and how it can usually come back to bite him in the ass later on. This primarily includes his life as Mordred though the details haven’t been fleshed out. Partly, I like the idea of him being used as a part of some bigger plot and putting his allies in danger, bring tension and question over his ability to lead one day. Namely the conflict is interesting to me and a story I have never actually played out fully in a rp. [quote]Miscellaneous. Feel free to suggest stuff to add to this list for others. If you do so, make sure to answer the question(s) you add.[/quote] Suggestions or ideas to add to the current plotline or maybe future ones? I actually had a thought over the current scene. Now, I don’t know what the GMs actually have plotted but a thought occurred to me, namely that the woman in jail could have important information and actually lead into investigating the disappearances. Hence one option why we're breaking her out in the first place. In addition, what about allowing players to come up with mission ideas they can ‘run’ on their own? They could have a quick summary, then present it to the GMs for a fast overview. This could be use for Resistance missions or other situations with the GMs merely overseeing lightly the progression. What issues or difficulties are you having with the rp currently? Currently, nothing that comes to mind as most my issues have been addressed after Rumples was approved and any questions from the GMs were answered. Now I'm just needing to find time to write it up and post it without literally feeling like I’m double posting, lol.