[center][img]http://www.quizz.biz/uploads/quizz/644411/22_12H8T.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name: Loto Moriori [/b] [b]Title:[/b] Beastmaster [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Personality:[/b] He's a laid back big brother kind of guy that knows how to charm his way around social circles. Loto lives for the moment, thriving on creativity and fueled by what he calls the [i]Big M's of Life:[/i] Movies, Music, & Milkshakes. A drifter of sorts, never standing at one spot for long, preferring spontaneity over structure. [b]Bio:[/b] Loto Moriori was born in one of the more rougher projects in the slums. His parents once owned a famous Hawaiian Japanese restaurant, but the increasingly strict tax laws forced upon their district made them close shop. Frustrated with their financial woes and the city's state of affairs, his parents took to the streets in protest with many other disgruntled members of the community. They were swiftly detained by the authorities and never released, forcing Loto to grow up on his own. Legal or illegal, he did what he could to survive -- all while using art as a form of release from his everyday struggles. He eventually got involved with a local street team that promoted underground parties and concerts, rubbing elbows with up-and-coming musicians, dancers, and graffiti artists. This is where he befriended [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/991d/th/pre/i/2015/112/0/b/disney_university___kenai_by_hyung86-d62k7ap.png]Yung Niko[/url], a DJ who also did graffiti work with a group called the Lockpicks, a band of graffiti artists that just so happened to grow up in the same projects as Loto. He ran the streets with the Lockpicks for several years, teaching Loto how to manipulate aerosol paint sprays on all sorts of canvases. He was given the nickname, Beastmaster, for incorporating animals into his artwork with punchy colors and 3D perspectives that made his pieces pop. Beastmaster's work caught on in the local scene, and the growing reputation forced him to wear a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e6/1c/b5/e61cb5085eda37647799410fc2c9b2c4.jpg]bull mask[/url] whenever he goes out tagging. The Lockpicks eventually split due to creative and personal differences. Loto drifted around the slums in pursuit of inspiration that could take his art to the next level. He entered a locally famous competition called The Project Wars, where different neighborhoods' best street artists battled to not only make the best piece, but place it in the most obscure location. Loto won second place (biased judges and rigged betting saw to that despite the community's objections) for making a giant 3D Cthulu piece out of an old water tower that was on top of one of the tallest buildings in the slums. Even though the Beastmaster lost, it won him an invitation to the Ratpack. The group's mission statement intrigued him, as it harked on the memories of his parents who fought against the injustices that plagued his community. [hider=Art Style][center][img]http://cdn.cavemancircus.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2013/march/street_art/awesome_street_art_16.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fb/6d/6e/fb6d6e53c6de1c59ed7675b0f3c80e47.jpg [/img] [img]http://dailynewsdig.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/amazing-street-art2.jpg [/img] [img]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YNUAAOSw5ZBWH6V2/s-l400.jpg[/img][/center] Loto thrives on perspective by using 3D environments to make his bright colors pop. His signature themes involve exposing the muscular and skeletal anatomy of living things (particularly animals) with intricate detail in a new school and illustrative watercolor style.[/hider] [b]Extra:[/b] Runs his own milkshake stand, loves all sorts of music (promotes for local artists regularly by making graffiti fliers), and sometimes works as a projection assistant at the Cinescape theatre. [hider=Gear][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ri5ZMZ9LsAc/UxnXMIWIN0I/AAAAAAAAlKQ/KhBdu5dfOXs/s1600/420254_10150669420069844_566928729_n.jpg[/img] Slimer is made of jerry rigged components from second rate hover engine manufacturers. The [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ri5ZMZ9LsAc/UxnXMIWIN0I/AAAAAAAAlKQ/KhBdu5dfOXs/s1600/420254_10150669420069844_566928729_n.jpg]gloves[/url] act as wireless controls to adjust acceleration and thrust elevation.[/hider]