[@BlackPanther] [centre][b][h1][color=aba000]Cody[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] When Aron looked over at Cody, he smiled. He was more than patient, knowing he had probably interrupted Aron's shift enough. He was happy to wait. Especially now. It gave him time to compose himself, and he was sure Aron was grateful for that as well. He finally slid back into his seat, and picked up his now cool burger, biting into it. Cody could spend the rest of the day in the cafe. He was packed and ready, and his parents didn't expect him back until late anyway. So he was more than happy to wait. It gave him time to think, and process everything that had happened. [i]I bet when Mrs. Steffon said I was a real go getter, she didn't think it would happen quite so quickly[/i] he thought to himself with amusement,although he nervously played with his earring. Just because he now knew, didn't mean he still didn't feel nervous. There was so much he wanted to say to Aron. And, well...do. He finished the burger off, and nibbled at the frys thoughtfully, his gaze going to Aron every so often. [centre][b][h1][color=f49ac2]Cassie[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cassandra smiled and put the gloves on. [color=f49ac2]"Sure, Gage. Not my first time in a kitchen, go."[/color] Cassie settled herself into the kitchen, beginning to cut up the bread. [i]Hopefully that's them sorted[/i] she thought to herself happily. What orders came in, Cassie made up. It appeared that today was her day to spend in one kitchen or another, she thought musingly. [i]Cooking is fun, at least. And so is cooking up plans to get my friends together[/i] she chuckled to herself. Cassie enjoyed makign her friends happy, and sneakily-although she was sure Syleste knew, now, that she had done it deliberately, putting them together. [i]got to get my joy from somewhere, may as well be my friends. At least I can see them in love, no one seems interested in me[/i], but then, how would she knew? She was oblivious to how others felt about her, but had an uncanning ability to know when her friends liked each other. [i]although, I must say, Aron surprised even me[/i]. The trip was certainly going to be interesting tomorrow. [centre][b][h1][color=00746b]Quinton[/color] and [color=fff79a]Abigale[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Abigale's face and hands were a mess. Quinton crouched, taking out a wet wipe from the satchel he carried, and wiping her hands and face, smiling at her. She was so beautiful to Quinton, already so much like her mother. He still loved his mate, very much. Yet Quinton wasn't niave enough to believe that what he felt was imprinting, that instant knowing of [i]everything[/i]. Quinton didn't even believe in imprinting. No, Sara had simply been his mate, his partner, his...well, in a way, everything. He knew he would have done anything for her, and each day, when he looked at his daughter he knew he lived for her. So he could raise Abigale, in the way Sara had wanted her to be raised. Now that they had a true home... [color=fff79a]"Daddy"[/color] Abigale said, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek, [color=fff79a]"You think too much"[/color] She smiled, that smile that was his everything. He rose, taking her hand in his, he glanced up and down the street, before crossing the road to the cafe. He picked Abigale up, settling her on his hip, and claiming a table. There seemed to be a lot going on, between what he knew would be his students. [i]teenagers, their hormones rule them[/i] he thought to himself, and yet he smiled, remember what it was to be 17, and in love. [color=fff79a]"Daddy? That boy just kissed that other boy"[/color] Abigale said with all the innocence of a five year old. Quinton smiled, and replied [color=00746b]"And does that bother you?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Its cute. Anyone can love anyone else, right?"[/color] Abigale seemed to seek his approval, and Quinton nodded, [color=00746b]"That's right, sweetie."[/color] Abigale watched the rest of the cafe, seeming to study them all. She smiled suddenly, [color=fff79a]"There's Cassie, she's one of Riley's friends. What's she doing? OH! Is she trying to get people together?"[/color] Quinton looked over to where his daughter was looking, watching as a girl went into the kitchens, and then a boy came out, pushing his-it had to be-brother out the way. Quinton gave a chuckle, [color=00746b]"it certainly seems that way, Abby"[/color]