[centre][b][h1][color=f7976a]Kalinda[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Kalinda ensured she had a good hold on Arianna, as she finally freed the other girls foot. [color=f7976a]"It amazes me that you can get into such perdicaments, Arianna"[/color] She said, althought her tone was kind, as she hugged Arianna to her, Chao wriggling in the pocket Kalina had shoved her in, before guiding Arianna's hands to the rope. [color=f7976a]"Now, if you can get down without tangling yourself again, I'll give you a brew from my cabin."[/color] Arianna was a sweet, ditzy girl, more than a little strange, yet they all were. Kalinda still wasn't sure how they had become friends. She had just started off as Arianna's...well, Nurse. Somehow, as she built a rappor with her, they had become friends. Kalinda was still perplexed over that. Yet it helped when Kalinda had to give her her daily medications. While she knew that Arianna wasn't helpless, the girl seemed that way, and Kalinda felt oddly protective of her. You would think you would find it strange that Kalinda would be friends with the daughter of the wine god, after her own spiral into a drunken haze of nothingness, yet oddly enough Arianna had taught her control. While Kalinda had drinks, she couldn't remember the last time she had actually drank one. Normally she just kept the brews for those times Arianna didn't seem to have any. [color=f7976a]"Careful now. There needs to be a better way to get down this tower. Like maybe a bungee jump. Or a zip line"[/color]