[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=9e005d]Stehrr[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/25cf4f813636cca34507de417b225ede/tumblr_o3zk89BU681qjl1wro2_500.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven, Bridge/Cockpit [hr] Stehrr turned in his seat as Kayala approached them, raising an arm to wave at the Face in greeting though he abruptly dropped it back down to his side once more at seeing the near-murderous look on Kayala’s face. The Wookiee kept his mouth tightly shut, shrinking as far down into his seat as he possibly could. He had never seen Kayala get angry before, and that alone was frightening even if he hadn’t had a phobia of angry, bellowing people. Truth be told he was more afraid of being hit than the actual shouting, but from previous experiences he had come to associate shouting with being beaten and so it was a natural reaction for Stehrr to shy away from any arguments and try to make himself as small and unnoticeable as possible. Stehrr grumbled softly in response to Luke’s reminiscing the simpler times, the Wookiee sat back, arms folded behind his head, and let the Captain take over the controls to bring the Raven out of hyperspace, he would know the best vector to approach from to avoid being detected by the Imperial blockade. Though he had relaxed considerably since the shouting had stopped, Stehrr was still a little tense as he took over the controls again and brought the Raven down through Tatooine’s atmosphere. It was a short descent from then onwards to the landing area. He tried to keep relaxed, but the Wookiee couldn’t help growling softly as he rose from his seat. He could never have let Luke go without him to meet the Hutts, but the slug-like aliens were one of the big monopolies in the galaxy when it came to the slave trade and that still made him nervous. [b][color=9e005d]“《Luke, if Hutts not listen to Naboo female, what then?》”[/color][/b] he asked his friend, hoping that there would be some kind of fallback plan to get them out of that potentially sticky situation. After all, Stehrr would likely be the first of the crew members that the slugs would put in irons and force back into servitude. [hr] [hr] [h1] [color=8493ca]Denali Keesda[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2cec8a9b2e5c89c25c096c2cc41c7134/tumblr_n86t0aFu3N1rt9t65o6_250.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] [hr] The Raven, Medbay [hr] Though Denali tried his hardest to mind his own business and not pry, it was quite hard [i]not[/i] to hear Kayala chewing Luke out for retracting his earlier decision to ask her to remain on the ship. The Raven was only small, after all, and it wasn’t uncommon for even slightly raised voices to be heard from any compartment of the ship. Funnily enough, he began to question himself whether it would have been considered ‘safer’ to have left the Face in her quarters stewing over being left out, instead of facing the roaring tirade of expletives currently coming out of her mouth. Hearing Kayala yelling was uncommon enough in and of itself that it elicited a visible wince from the doctor in reaction. He pitied Luke for being on the receiving end Once the ship had gone quiet again, Denali leaned around the medbay door to check if the coast was clear, discovering that most of the crew had cleared out of the main hold by that point. Even Matthew seemed to have disappeared to plot another prank for the next unfortunate victim. Having completed his inventory, the doctor sat back in his seat, considering how he could best use his time when everyone else was planetside. He’d have to go check up on Gol and make sure she [i]was[/i] resting up that ankle of hers. Rising from the stool he had perched on, he made his way back across the medical bay to rummage through the drawers, retrieving the earpiece for his holocommunicator from where he had left it tucked underneath the latest stack of medical documents. Denali tucked the small electronic device into his ear and turned the communicator on, buzzing through to Luke and Sutton on the bridge as the ship shuddered and left hyperspace. [b][color=8493ca]“Good luck out there, Captain, Sutton. I’ll keep my comm channel open, if anything happens and you need me out there, for fuck’s sake call through.”[/color][/b] he didn’t want to jinx it by predicting a disaster prematurely, but...it happened a lot, their little band of adventurers just seemed to attract trouble like flies to Bantha crap. No harm in being prepared for the worst. [/center]