[h1][center][color=0072bc]Kim Hansson[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] Kim smiled a soft smile as the pair kissed. This was so far removed from what she normally did. It was slightly uncanny even. No matter though as she watched the kisser run off and grab his twin before entering the kitchen. [i][color=0072bc]"So that's how far his courage went; huh?"[/color][/i] While it might not look like she was paying any attention to what was happening, with her hands swaying about in the air, this situation had peaked her interest. There was just something within her that....felt odd. Her smile went away though when she watched the girls talking. There was obviously a blind girl. Didn't she know that one? She thought she had seen a picture of her somewhere. It took a few moments of intent stares until she remembered the pink hair. [color=0072bc]"Syl?"[/color] It really reminded of her at least. The one that her grandfather had taught how to play the piano despite being blind. He had spoken so warmly about her. Had made Kim a bit jealous if she was going to be honest. She pressed down next to her ear and a new wave of sounds entered her head. She always wore her hearing aid, but never really used it. For one she didn't really need it, her other ear worked perfectly after all. Kim listened in on the conversation between the girls. [i][color=0072bc]"So it really was her after all?"[/color][/i] Kim sighed and got up from her seat and walked up towards the blind girl. She seemed to conflicted, scared even from Kim's point of view. She had been able to see the flush on the girl's cheeks whenever one of the twins had been there. She cursed quietly to herself now that she had recognized the girl. Another deep breath before she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. [color=0072bc]"Erik was always proud of you; of your fortitude and how well you played."[/color] she said before walking into the kitchen after that one girl. She remained quiet until she was next to the girl and grabbed onto a knife and started cutting into some vegetables for her baguette. [color=0072bc]"You know....for someone who wants to put people together so much, you seem to ignore the individual."[/color] Kim spoke quietly and calmly while cutting the pieces almost perfectly even, trimming some if they were too big. [color=0072bc]"When you left Syl alone to go back here, she seemed afraid. Everyone was leaving left and right when she tried to speak up. Along with forcing people who are shy to interact might damage them, especially if you leave them alone afterwards."[/color] Kim took the coffee from the pot and poured herself a cup, adding two pieces of sugar and a squat of milk before she started sipping on it. She took a piece of the bread and dipped it in the oil and then ate it. [color=0072bc]"People are just like a baguette,"[/color] she said and grabbed a piece. [color=0072bc]"Strong and firm, and you can pull a bit without it breaking, but add a slight twist, and it breaks in two."[/color] Kim twisted the bread and sure enough it broke into two pieces. [color=0072bc]"Make sure you don't twist too much..."[/color] She grabbed her food and left the kitchen, returning to her seat. She sighed deeply. This was so far away from her normal that it made her feel uneasy. Was it because it was Syl? She was not sure. There was a feeling of a want to protect though that entered her heart. Kim looked at the pieces of bread before holding one up and looked at it. [color=0072bc]"Stupid analogy.."[/color] she said to herself before eating it.