[b]Nation Name[/b]: The United Territories of Civitas (the UTC) [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=4&c1=1&c2=2&c3=3&o=0&c4=0&s=15&c5=5[/img] [b]Head of State, Age[/b]: Consuls Constantine Andius Felusia (61) and Quintus Gowius Tritus (49) [b]Capital[/b]: Civdinium [b]City Names[/b]: Tralisia Fucca Gelia Antiochus Rillum Putta Cincinatis Gundunum Alicius Andunnus [b]Province Names[/b]: Gowii Andii Triarii Antonii Tulii [b]Emphasis[/b]: -- Stability. -- Size. -- Population. -- Colonies. < we got dose mad colonies bruh -- Military. < and dose boys in the funny uniforms -- Navy. -- Economy. -- Education. -- Protectorates. [b]Brief History[/b]: The land of the UTC occupies the former petty kingdoms of multiple families, whose names lend themselves to the provinces they are divided into. Built on the bedrock of liberalism, the common good and popularism; the UTC has all but failed in most of these regards. Elected political offices in the last 100 years have in fact been delivered into the hands of the ruling families through entirely undemocratic methods. This is based on the warlike nature of the people, in fighting and brawl are as much a part of politics as war, and this means that the UTC has been a fairly active member of the last few wars to plague the world. Whilst also one of the most effective, military technology is invested into heavily for a large and professional army that is well equipped and supplied, sometimes at the cost of the public. As well as this, jingoistic tendancies have given them colonial holdings that bring them into the rank of 'Empire', and in turn this colonies provide forces and goods to fuel the continued efforts of the UTC to embroil itself in the King making of the world.