[centre][b][h1][color=f49ac2]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Cassie looked up as someone came into the kitchen, stepped back from the counter, wielding the knife she was usin to cut the bread. The woman had the audacity to walk into a shops kitchen, where she didn't work, and starting cutting up things that might not need to be cut. And then she spoke about things she had no right to speak off. The first words out of her mouth, as she sought to protect her friend and defend herself were [color=f49ac2]"seriously? Ma'am, you're like ten years older then her"[/color] the actions of this woman almost seemed one of jealously, and It immediately put her back up. [color=f49ac2]"Syleste is stronger then you can ever realise. If I left it up to Gage, he'd never make a move. Believe it or not, I actually know what I'm doing. She's my friend, I know she likes him, he's practically a brother to me, and he's head over heels for her to. You don't know either of them. I do. So take your metaphors, and get out of my kitchen"[/color] she was still wielding the knife, and she brought it down, slicing some more bread. [color=f49ac2]"And I knew she would be alright. Cody was there. And Aron was there seconds after I left. Leave her alone."[/color] she couldn't believe this woman had the audacity to even insinuate she was doing bad by her friend. [color=f49ac2]"people aren't bread. Sometimes we need a little push here and there"[/color] she said as the woman left the kitchen, glaring after her, angrily chopping up bread. The woman was very lucky that Cassie didn't want to bring trouble to the cafe or she might have stabbed the woman.