Neko, watching an anime about a masochist try to get over his masochism, heard a noise coming from the other side of the building, freaks out. He knocks a soda bottle over, spilling onto the keyboard and mouse. [color=cyan]"Don't tell me I'm going to be trapped in the heat haze"[/color] he says, referencing a series he held dear, before cleaning the devices. Testing the keyboard out the only buttons that worked being "t", "o", and "r". He facepalmed at the idea that this is almost literally the same event that happened in Mekameka dan. His sister runs out, completely afraid about whatever just happened. [color=lightgreen]"I heard screaming"[/color] she told her brother [color=lightgreen]"Go check it out."[/color] [color=cyan]"No."[/color] He replied, the only thing he wanted to do was replace his keyboard. He did not want to leave his domain. [color=lightgreen]"Yes, go do it."[/color] Literally kicking him out, locking the door behind him. [color=cyan]"Hah, locking the door is useless because I have a"[/color] Checking his pockets to find nothing, he left his key on the desk next to his computer. Anxiety swiftly came in as he depressingly walked towards the area the screaming came from. Suddenly, he noticed the girl who thought he was an alien. [color=cyan]"Does she scream like a man?"[/color] He thought to himself.