[hider= Franceska "Speed Demon" Dunvichov] [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Franceska Dunvichov [color=f7976a]Title:[/color] Once called Demon, Ghost, Vampire or other similar themed names by different people due to her mostly appearing after dark and after her pale complexion, but is now most commonly called Speed Demon. [color=f7976a]Age: [/color]17 [color=f7976a]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NxXEgiN.png[/img] Franceska wearing custom clothes and red contacts during her nights out. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] Aggressive, boisterous and extremely prideful, those words were used often to describe her by those who knew of her. Franceska did not care one whit about risks, odds or even sometimes common sense as she throws herself into danger constantly. She did not really care about the cause however, for she was more in it for the thrill. However, her prideful nature did not allow her to fail, or do anything less than what she said. If she said she was going to topple that water tower, that water tower was going to go down one way or another, even if she has to use herself as a cannonball. It also leads her to develop a need to feel superiour to others, often training/learning about anything she felt insecure in, though that very same pride also leads her to deny that it was anything less than her own natural genius. With her family however, Franceska would often be seen as bland, boringly normal if rich, girl. She deferred to her father often, submits to most of his orders or demands, and is seen by the community her family is in as a very obedient, polite and quiet girl. [color=f7976a]Bio: [/color]Unlike most of the taggers, she was not born to a poor family down in the slums, she had not known hardship, nor had she even known hunger. Franceska was born to the upper class, she lived luxuriously with her every(mostly) whims answered. Any sort of luxury a young child could want would be handed to her on a shining polished silver platter, as long as she behaved and be daddy's obedient little princess. Her only problems was usually following lessons, and trying not to embarass herself during one of her father's extravagant parties, where lower leveled kids in lesser family would be facing down hunger, poverty or more. Her life was white. Unstained, beautiful, and utterly boring. There was barely any excitement to be found in her sheltered life. She had tried getting new hobbies, and each time she grew bored of it sooner or later. It was then that she found out about those taggers. Franceska had heard about them before, but never had she actually known what it was they do, until she took a walk one night and saw them in action. She had froze there for a few moments, her eyes appraising their work, wondering what it would be like to actually do what they did. Like the good girl she was, she called the authorities on them, and was praised for her actions. A few weeks later however, she snuck out after dark, wearing custom gears and clothes she had made herself(mostly). She had no name, no real presence in the tagger community at the time, but her simple geometric shapes of bold bright colors with clean well defined lines started to catch attention. Every time she went out using those gears, wearing those clothes, her heart pounded like crazy, afraid she would be caught, and enjoying every moment of absolute freedom regardless. The few who met her dubbed her simply as Ghost, Vampire or other nightcrawling creatures, simply because of her schedule and her disappearance during the day. By the time she had started to become known amongst the taggers, she had managed to install twin verniers on the front and back of her Gears, and after learning how to utilize them properly was mostly known as Speed Demon to most. While she still ran and was known to run the shadows solo, she was not averse to running with other groups, mostly Discord members due to her affinity with their cause. Regardless of who she was with, who she met, or who questioned, she had never revealed anything about herself, nor had she even offered her reasons for being a tagger. While she could act freely and so openly that it was almost unthinkable that people would compare Speed Demon to the timid Franceska, she was still afraid any sort of information she leaked out could lead to her being unmasked. Thus, most who knew about her would only know her nicknames and her tagger history, but not where she came from or who the person behind the nickname was. Thus, the letter from Packrat waiting for her at her usual haunt was quite a surprise; she would think that no organization would want anyone with their background unknown. [color=f7976a]Art style: [/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Bxlru81.jpg[/img] [color=f7976a]Extra: [/color]She is an insanely great dancer, and due to her upbringing, she is in great shape. [color=f7976a]Gear:[/color] [hider=Gears] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5eGjJjl.jpg[/img][/hider] While she'd say she made all this from scratch, Franceska actually dismantled a top line commercial blades, and added heavier and bulkier housing, tweaked the engine, and added in twin verniers to the front and back of the Gears. Due to that, she can jump from a dead stop to top speed or vice versa in a matter of seconds as well as a short speed burst when needed. Due to the bulkier and heavier housing needed for the verniers, her Gears are hardier and much more durable, though it was only a bit faster than average due to the weight. Activating the verniers drains the Gears' power reserves quickly, so it was not really practical to jet them constantly, hence her usually using it in short bursts. The Drive's controls are usually on her belt, in the form of a small controller on the side. That same controller also displays the Drive's energy levels by ways of a simple numerical interface. [/hider]