[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VrK4z6N.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=royalblue][b]Location: Campsite, then to somewhere in the woods[/b] [/color][color=royalblue]||[/color][color=royalblue] [b]Enjoying the moment[/b] [/color][color=royalblue]||[/color][color=royalblue] [b]Mood: As relaxed as can be[/b][/color][/h3] [i] Collab with [/i] Xena [@HowlsOfWinter] [/center] The Craenak arrived later than most, though such lateness was expected given the treacherous grounds they had to cover to reach the Gatherings. However, with the large number of accompanying escorts, the clan did not suffer any notable losses this year, a feat whose credit went to the young chief Viklaus. Upon their arrival, Vadik was promptly dismissed again, this time on a mission to secure the perimeter of their campsite. He complied, but as much as he hated to admit, his mind was entirely somewhere else for the entire duration and so was his eyes. They kept wandering over the Abaneki’s campsite, searching, longing for a particular wolf mask. Her mask. Memories of better times looped in his mind, of scarred fingers threading silver locks, of honeyed eyes that mirrored his own, of velvet lips that burnt and were burning still in his chest. Before he knew it, his task concluded, but instead of wandering off, Vadik prowled the campsite, purpose in his stride. However, he could hardly expect to waltz into the Abenaki’s campsite without meeting any opposition. The Craenak were still considered barbarians by many, and for good reasons. So there was little Vadik could do but curb his longings and wandering from camps to camps, feigning interests in the festivities. To make matters worse, the mercenary Floran had yet to contact him again. To the best of his knowledge, most of the mercenaries had either left the Gatherings or attempted to find work with some other clans. It was possible this mercenary had done the same, or not. Vadik would reserve his judgement for later. They had some time to plan, after all. Despite his boiling anger at whoever wished harm toward his beloved, Vadik prized his self-restraint, if nothing else. He would deal death when it was due. A pair of amber stopped him dead in his track. He exhaled sharply, but refrained from holding her gaze. There were eyes on them. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes, noting her newly assigned guard. She watched him as well, before turning toward her tent. He waited moments before following, while still keeping his distant. It was their cue. She would lose the guard in some ways, then move deeper into the nearby forest, where they could be alone at last. All he had to do was follow the flute. Casting one last glance behind his shoulder, Vadik stepped in the clearing, and there she was, as beautiful as the day he met her. [color=royalblue]“I kept you waiting again, did I?”[/color]- His voice was uncharacteristically breathy as he drew closer, gloved fingers reached out to catch a stray lock of silver. The sun sank lower in the sky and disappeared over the horizon, the light of day draining away. The melody came to a halt when her eyes met his, her breathing caught in her throat as he reached out to touch her hair. Her chest felt warm and her breathing slowed, taking in the sight of him as if she was afraid he would disappear again. During his absence, she had so many things she wanted to say to him. Now that he was here within arm's reach, she wasn't sure where to begin. No amount of words were enough to show him how much she had missed him. She stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around him, breathing in his scent as his warmth washed over her. She pulled away and looked at him. "[color=f49ac2]For the past nine months, yes,[/color]" She narrowed her eyes to show him she wasn't pleased, but the smile on her lips betrayed her. Vadik responded to her touch, wrapping his arms around her waist just as she reached for him. As she pulled him into a hug, he made use of the difference in their heights to press a light kiss on her silver hair, his touch tentative and feather light. [color=royalblue]“I’m sorry.”[/color]- He said, and almost looked the part. One gloved hand reached up to her face and caress the line of her cheekbone with a touch that was barely there, almost in reverence. He would love to spend this moment here with her, just talking, but there were things they needed to discuss. – [color=royalblue]“Are you well? Is everything alright with your clan?”[/color] It was hard to focus on his words when her gaze lingered on his lips. The evening had sent the birds to their roosts and the crickets began to sing in the swaying grasses. Above them, the sky was littered with a thousand stars, looking like splattered paint on a dark canvas. Xena noticed the look of concern on his face and slipped her hand in his, "[color=f49ac2]There have been a few concerns lately, but we've got everything under control,[/color]" she paused. "[color=f49ac2]Is there something I must know?[/color]" she asked. His question gave her the impression that he knew something she didn't. Vadik’s expression betrayed nothing, though his gaze grew intense. It was best that she was prepared, but he didn’t want to trouble her any further. Furthermore, if this information he had turned out to be nothing more than a drunkard’s ramblings, it could cause undue tension among the clans. The gods above knew they already had enough of that. – [color=royalblue]“I hear of unrest among the tribes this year, Xena. You should take care. Don’t leave without your escorts.”[/color] A wry smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "[color=f49ac2]Ironic. Considering that I left my escort to do this,[/color]" she drew closer and cupped his face in her hands, planting a soft kiss on his lips. Xena's lips lingered on his for a moment before she pulled away and buried her face in his chest, letting a soft sigh escape her lips. "[color=f49ac2]I've been wanting to do that,[/color]" she said, in almost a whisper. She wanted this moment to last longer, but she knew she had to go back before her absence went unnoticed. "[color=f49ac2]Please, don't make me worry again.[/color]" She furrowed her brows, a tinge of sadness evident in her voice. She pulled away from him and quickly scanned their surroundings. Only then did she notice how dark it had gotten. The trees and bushes were almost nothing but silhouettes, the moon and stars only providing enough light for them to see. "[color=f49ac2]We should head back,[/color]" she said with reluctance in her voice. [hider=Skillz][list][*][color=9999FF]Prowler[/color] Like most members of his clan, Vadik is a hunter and he moved like one. Fur boots silenced his steps, and treacherous grounds does slow him. [*][color=797a9e]Hunter[/color] Tracking beasts comes natural for him, and by following the stars and the moon above, Vadik does not wander astray. [*][color=9999FF]Jailer[/color] Excelled at hiding his presence, Rex can easily avoid detection from other Gods. Even as they peer into his soul, he would weave the scraps of his host’s dying spirit into an effective camouflage. (Negative modifier when roll for detection) [/list] [list] [*][color=797a9e]Survivor[/color] Taught to be self-sufficient from a tender age, Vadik knows how to look out for himself in the wilderness. He knows some basic medications found in natural plants and rudimentary first-aids. [*][color=9999FF]Killer[/color] Mastering the blade from a young age, along with thousands years of experience borrowed from the Mangled God, Vadik’s skills far exceeded that of a mortal man. However, when he tapped into the god’s knowledge, there might be chance he could hurt himself due to the limitations of mortal bodies. [*][color=797a9e]Pretender[/color] Straddling that fragile line between life and death, Vadik no longer possesses many mortal attachments. If he so wanted, Rex could easily block out any uncomfortable sensation of the body. Mind magic does not work as well on his host, just as blood and pain no longer deter him. [/list] [/hider]