Disclaimer: I have played this RP before as Co-GM, so its not fully my idea In a tavern along the edge of the Old Kingdom or so it was once named many years ago, a cloaked figure came inside. “Good tidings, Inn Keeper. A room and meals for a few days once more, if you please or don’t please.” came a female’s voice. A key was passed over the counter to the young woman who was taking the hood of her cloak down. “Thank ye. I’ll show myself up.” She headed up to the room where she always stayed. She changed and unpacked before heading down the stairs for dinner. She sat in her usual corner which was the cleanest spot in the tavern. And why not since she owned the tavern. Not that many knew that fact. The Inn Keepers wife came over to see what she wanted. “The usual. Any news around here?” she asked. “No ma’m. It has been very quiet since you left last month. I’ll have your stew ready in a few minutes.” She spoke as she left. The strange woman was writing a poster to be placed up on the board. Wanted Students who will travel to a dragon academy. All willing students will receive free tuition, food, housing, clothing and 1 dragon egg. Must be in fit condition to travel many miles on foot to Dragonopia. Once there the student will be under the command of a Dragon Lorest who will guide the student in how to raise, care for and ride a full grown dragon. The student will be required to stay for a minimum of 5 years. Once the student and dragon passes their final exam, they will be required to spend 5 years serving the Dragonopia as a military force. All interested students must be at least 15 and not more than 25. They must be unmarried, without child, and have no outside obligations. All interested students must be at The Dragon’s Den, Old Kingdom, on the 5th day of October. Testing will start on the 6th and those who pass will leave on 7th. Anyone with questions will have their questions answered on the 5th day of October. When the wife came back, the woman handed her the poster. “Please post this. I will need a large load of supplies next month. Mostly staples such as flour, sugar, lard, nuts, dried fruit, smoked meats, oats. I will be bringing a few sets of oxen with me.” She spoke as she handed the poster to the wife. “I’ll have the estimate before I leave in the morning. I’ll be leaving at first light.” The woman announced. “I’ll have your usual ready for ye then.” Was the answer from the wife. This is an RP about the Dragon Riders returning back to the world. It will have some classes and hopefully a few adventures about how hard it is to raise a newly born dragon to a full grown adult fighting dragon. I am open to suggestions and side plots as long as they dn't take over the RP plot. Romance is allowed. [hider=Rules] 1. Respect others who are playing 2. Let me/the group know when you will be gone for longer then a week [/hider] [hider=Cs(if interessted)] You can play the dragon for someone, a dragon rider, or a dragon rider and your own dragon. Name: Age: Gender: Cave: (check the first post) Personality: Looks: What you personally have with you: Dragonling name: Gender: Species: (check the list below) Personality: Looks: As a Hatchling: As an adult: Hatchling Abilities:(check under your dragon species) 1) 2) 3) [/hider] [hider=Dragons+Abilities] Dragon Info: 1) Females- A) mature in third year B) respond to males according to moon phases 1. Moon Phases: 2. New Moon (also called the Dark Moon where we cannot see the moon) - Turns away all advances 3. First Quarter – Starts to accepting advances 4. Full – Fertile period 5. Third Quarter – Shows disinterest 6. New Moon - Turns away all advances 7. This complete female cycle (New Moon to New Moon) 2) Males- matures first during their 2nd year but do not have the adult abilities until 3rd year. Dragons and their types, ect Wind Magic Wind Fire/Heat Magic Fire Dragon- Night glo- blue fire- a night dragon Magna Lava Water Magic Water Earth Magic Earthquake or Quakers ( also known as Land Dragon because they are wingless ) Cold Magic Ice Dragon Light Magic Glowing- can glow with an eerie green light- a night dragon Lightning Magic Electrical Dragon Sound Sonar Dragon Shadow Magic Shadow- a night dragon Mental Illusion Dragon- makes illusions and dreams Mental- Uses techniques of the mind except Illusions and Dreams Mixed dragons Weather dragon-Elemental + Lightening Eastern Nightspine- Shadow + Mental Miniature Eastern Nightspine- Shadow + Mental Amphibianus Dragon=Land + Water Rare dragons Guardian- doesn’t sleep- can use any magic- ONLY ONE PER RP Silver Mist- can use any magic - ONLY ONE PER RP-Taken Purity Dragon- can use any magic and heal - ONLY ONE PER RP All magical abilities for Dragons and Riders All Hatchlings use Telepathy – Ability to speak mind to mind to its owner Air/Wind Magic 1) Make a small breeze-hatchlings can do 2) Gusts- short blast of wind that lasts 30-40 seconds hatchlings can do 3) Blasts of wind – can last up to 10 to20 minutes depending on experience-teens can do 4) Create and manipulate wind currents-teens can do 5) Make a sturdy wind- lasting for up to an hour depending on experience-teens can do 6) Make a wind devil- small whirlwind-teens can do 7) Whirlwind-rapid and spinning wind that can slice through objects when combined with swords or a secondary element (small tornado) -adults can do 8) Force blast- sudden blast of strong wind-adults can do 9) Tornado- large funnel type of wind that can pick up or spew objects or creatures-adults can do 10) Razor Wind Air magic: a sharp thin wind that could cut objects by the sheer speed-adults can do 11) Ominous Wind- A strong speedy wind that has a screeching or howling noise-adults can do 12) Wind shield where wind forms a high speed sphere to deflect attacks -adults can do 13) Wind gravity using wind to pressure things down or make aerial objects stay on land-adults can do 14) Vacuum – ‘sucking’ or pulling air/wind action away from an area such as pulling an arrow away from a target. -adults can do Fire/Heat Magic 1) Make a spark -hatchlings can do 2) Small flame- hatchlings can do 3) Heat something up- hatchlings can do 4) Fire balls-teens can do 5) Heat wave- waves of a heat forced towards an object or creature-teens can do 6) Flame throwing- a sturdy stream of fire -teens can do 7) Fire Blast- a fast stream of fire aimed at an object or creature-adults can do 8) Flame wall – a wall of fire that surrounds a person or object-adults can do 9) Fire field- a large area of fire that burns steadily-adults can do 10) Flame wave- waves of fire moving towards a target-adults can do 11) Incinerate- burn to the ground / ashes -adults can do Water Magic 1) Make water move without touching- hatchlings can do 2) Pull water out of air- hatchlings can do 3) Water Spout- a small water devil-teens can do 4) Throw a stream of water-teens can do 5) Whirl pool- swirling water that pulls objects or creatures down into the water-teens can do 6) Tidal wave- a wave of water aimed at an object or creature-adults can do Earth Magic 1) Trembling- Make ground tremble- hatchlings can do-teens can do 2) Rising 1-Make ground rise up into a mole hill- hatchlings can do-teens can do 3) Rising 2-Make ground rise up into a hill- teens can do 4) Rising 3-Make ground rise up into a mountain- teens can do 5) Shaking- Make rocks move- teens can do 6) Rock slide/Avalanche --adults can do 7) Crushing- Crush to sand, turn the earth around you into sand -adults can do 8) Earthquake -adults can do Mental/Mind Control Magic 1) Telepathy – Ability to speak mind to mind to another creature other than its owner- hatchlings can do 2) Telekinesis- ability to move objects or bend objects- hatchlings can do 3) Levitation- the ability to float - hatchlings can do 4) Empathic- able to experience the feelings or sensations of another creature other than its owner-teens can do 5) Mind bonding – a close bond with a specific creature - other than its owner-teens can do 6) Influence - weak mind control, persuasion at its best-teens can do 7) Illusion- make a creature see something that is not there-Adults can do 8) Assurance- make another person feel like he/she can do something-Adults can do 9) Mental shield- create a fierce field like invisible shield-Adults can do 10) Transformation Cold Magic 1) Send sensations of cold to others around it.- hatchlings can do 2) Tolerant to cold- hatchlings can do 3) Frost-a light freeze 4) Hail- small balls of ice up to the size of golf balls-teens can do 5) Ice Balls- small balls of ice about the size of baseball-teens can do 6) Blizzard- a storm of icy crystals swirling about-teens can do-Adults can do 7) Icicle spear- a sharp spear of ice-Adults can do 8) Ice burn/ frost bite- a condition that freezes the skin up to the point of no return of healthy skin-Adults can do 9) Freeze- brings temperature to where objects or creatures become immobile totally -Adults can do 10) Freeze break – an extreme cold that breaks or shatters objects-Adults can do Shadow Magic 1) Become one with the Shadow-Blend with darker areas hatchlings can do better- hatchlings can do 2) Shadowing- Make areas slightly darker- hatchlings can do 3) Shadowflauge- Blend completely with shadows and darker areas-teens can do 4) Increase agility in shadows-teens can do 5) Shadow hopping (quick dash from shadow/dark spot to shadow/dark spot through an area of light.) -Adults can do 6) Shadow Buddy- a created Shadow with the purpose of covering a person in shadows at command-Adults can do Light Magic 1) Shining-Brighten darker areas- hatchlings can do 2) Glowing- able to glow dimly- hatchlings can do 3) Light beam- a bright light that temporally blinds creatures-teens can do 4) Light ball- Create a ball of light-teens can do 5) Reflect- a light shield that reflects the magic away from the user. Can be flat or concave or convex-Adults can do 6) Light Beams- A bright light which can penetrate the dark or shadows-Adults can do Lightening Magic 1) Electric spark- hatchlings can do 2) Glowing- able to glow dimly- hatchlings can do 3) Electrical ball- up to the size of a baseball-teens can do 4) Electrical beam- a stream of electricity-teens can do 5) Lightning bolt- -teens can do 6) Shock wave- a wave of electricity-teens can do 7) Electric web- surrounds the victim with a web of static electricity-adults can do 8) Magnetize Items- pulling of the atoms so that they align up and is able to act as a magnet-adults can do 9) Magnetic field- a large area that has been magnetized-Adults can do 10) Fry electronics- a large jolt of electricity that disintegrates things-Adults can do Sound 1) Ventriloquist- able to throw voice to various locations- hatchlings can do 2) Mimic- able to hear a sound/voice and then be able to reproduce the sound/voice exactly - hatchlings can do 3) Metal sound- makes high pitched squeal-teens can do 4) Sonic vibration-Adults can do Shadow Magic Shadow- a night dragon Mental Illusion Dragon- makes illusions and dreams Mental- Uses techniques of the mind except Illusions and Dreams Mixed dragons Weather dragon-Elemental + Lightening Eastern Nightspine- Shadow + Mental Miniature Eastern Nightspine- Shadow + Mental Amphibianus Dragon=Land + Water [/hider]