[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Leisy woke up with a start, eyes darting around as she realized that she’d overslept. [i]Oh no, I’m going to be late for—school,[/i] she thought, calming down as she took in her surroundings. A cozy room in the Pokemon Center, her two Pokemon—Bidein and Naunet—beginning to rouse as well. [color=gray]”Good morning sleepyheads,”[/color] Leisy teased, giving each Pokemon a early-morning scratch under the chin. [color=gray]”Ready to get the day started with?”[/color] After dressing and packing up, Leisy headed to the front desk to pay—a very reasonable price considering that the rooms at Pokemon Centers offered both showers and a small fridge. [color=gray]”Thanks!”[/color] Leisy told the nurse at the register with a smile and a wave. [color=gray]”See you again someday!”[/color] [i]I wonder whether I can guarantee that,[/i] Leisy thought before shaking her head in amusement. She’d have plenty of time to puzzle over that later. [color=gray]”Here we go, Bidein, Naunet,”[/color] Leisy said with a cheery smile. [color=gray]”Second day as a Pokemon trainer starts… Now!”[/color] [indent][b][i]Gurgle[/i][/b][/indent] [color=gray]”Er, after food,”[/color] Leisy quickly amended with an awkward smile, her feet carrying her over to the nearest diner. [hr] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color][/center] Now with a second Pokemon to his name, Cillian was feeling invigorated. The spring in his step only served to make him seem more giddy and childish, but he didn’t care. He now had a grumpy water Pokemon to balance out his happy go-lucky fire one. [color=lightsteelblue]”Now that you two are teammates, we can finally have training matches,”[/color] Cillian said, chattering away as both of his Pokemon toned him out. (Well actually only the Mudkip did. Hazmat was much too engrossed in staring at the fluffy buneary the group passed to pay much attention to his trainer.) [color=lightsteelblue]”Of course Mudkip would be barred from using any water moves since he has that distinct advantage, and it’s only fair that Haz also gets barred from using his type-specialized moves in turn, and… ”[/color] “Kip,” Mudkip said quietly to Hazmat as the human droned on and on, rolling his eyes to show the Charmander how he felt about the whole “training” business. “Mud. Kip.” (“Hey Charmander, how. Do you put up with him?”) “Char?” the Charmander asked, tipping its head in confusion. “Char, Char?” (“What do you mean? He’s a nice person, isn’t he?”) “Mud,” the Mudkip said, sighing. “Mud—Mudkip. Mudkip.” (“Nevermind. My fault—I shouldn’t have expected you to understand. You let him call you ‘Hazmat.’”) “Char! Char, Charmander!” Hazmat shot back quickly, crossing his hands as he staunchly defended his trainer. (“Hey! Trainer gave named me that name, and it means something special!”) Cillian looked down, pausing in his extended monologue to glance between his two Pokemon. [color=lightsteelblue]”Are you two listening to me?”[/color] he asked, eyebrows scrunching. The Mudkip closed its eyes and kept walking too dignified to deign him with a response. Hazmat, however, was kinder. “Char!” he said, looking at his trainer with a bright smile. Cillian sighed, patting the Charmander’s head. At least he could count on one Pokemon to always answer him.