[center][h1][b][color=000000]⊰[/color][/b][u][b]ℒ[/b] icentia[/u][b][color=000000]⊱[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Licentia – A History]Diversity, an ideal that has defined the licentia for much of their existence as a species, it is still not one that has always existed, as the annals hidden deep in Edravhen's Archives tells of a very different origin. It tells of two races of licentia whose names have been forgotten, or erased. Now known only as the precursors by those few scholars and historians among their kind, these two species were different from their descendants, they were united. While the licentia of today and even thousands of years hence, are a group of disparate beings, forming factions that often war amongst one another, with no real stability or unification to be found throughout their species as a whole their ancestors were different. The Precursors were two species, each different from the other, but whom nonetheless acted almost as a single governing body, warring and creating conflict only for the purpose of their development, rather than out of any real joy in the act. However, there came a time where they felt the world wearing on them and knew it was time for them to pass on the torch, or at least to try and make something...better. So began the great task, given to them by the Will, the mysterious and powerful guiding force that, even to this day, acts as the force which moves the licentia forwards—unbeknownst to them. By the power of the Will, the Precursors designed and then birthed their first true offspring, who were known as the TRISTARI. These children were magically adept, and their creators taught them the ways that they follow to this day, they taught them to adhere to and spread the Will where they could; the taught them to gather knowledge and catalogue it, and most importantly, they taught them to utilize their natural talents. So was born the magical masters among the licentia. The TRISTARI rose in prominence, bringing wealth, happiness, and great progress to their kind's civilization...but as time passed something came to the attention of the Precursors. Their bodies had begun to shrivel and weaken, and each child they birthed was weaker than the last. Out of fear and in their wisdom and newly elevated state, the Precursors bore a new species, and named them the Nightwalkers. In them they instilled the powers of their body, and the ideology of chaos, driving them to spread the Will through it and to make certain that licentia of the future never lost sight of their physical vessels. The species succeeded and in their success they brought great health and evolution to their kind, driving the licentia further upwards. The sciences of the physical world began to reveal themselves to their kind, and merged with the magical knowledge of the TRISTARI it allowed them, for the first time, to erect cities and nations that spanned entire levels of Torqueo. Yet, it was not to last as the nations became divided, with the ideologies of the two child species clashing, it brought their kind into a war that seemed never to end. At first nothing seemed amiss as the Precursors watched their children with smiles, pleased that the conflict bred stronger licentia, that was...until they noticed that less of their kind were born, or survived to adulthood as the wars raged on. A noticeable strain was being put on their species and the Precursors took it upon themselves to fix it. Spurred on by this knowledge and a vision from one of their elders, telling of a threat that would wipe them out in earnest, the Precursor races looked to one another and this time, instead of each of their kind birthing a species, they merged and turned themselves from two races...into one and from this species were born the Ahldreian. They were unlike their siblings, bearing not the intent to spread the Will, to ensure development, or to incite the gathering of knowledge and the advancement of culture. Instead, the Ahldreian harnessed the Will and the power of their tremendous minds, calling upon the very fabric of their world they emerged from the shadows, appearing exactly when and where they were needed. In a single century, which was no time at all for their kind, the wars that had lasted for thousands of years, came to a swift and decisive end. There were no winners and no losers, there were only licentia, and they had been united under the banner of the Ahldreian and their sibling species. While the three sibling races did not like one another, it was their purpose—imparted to them by their creators—to ensure the survival and continued development of their kind, and so they did their duty. Again licentian civilization entered a golden age, this time one far more pronounced than the last two. Cities and countries were founded, trade abounded, and while wars were fought, they were brief and decisive, driving their evolution ever forwards and stimulating their minds. This lasted for three thousand years before tragedy struck, a tragedy which the licentia of today have all but forgotten. Millions of their kind were devoured and while the licentia tried to stop it, they could do nothing against the being that had once been kin. The ascended TRISTARI wrecked havoc among their people, devouring thousands of its own kind, the Nightwalkers, and most of all the Ahldreian before it turned its attention to other realms. Licentian society was left in shambles and a distrust had been driven into their species as a whole. A distrust of one another. They split into smaller countries and factions, fighting over land, resources, and even simply due to differences in ideology. The three guardian species that the now largely extinct Precursors had birthed watched in abject horror, their numbers too few to do anything, as the unity their kind had once had...dissolved. Hit most hard were the Ahldreian, the very species that would best be able to avert the disaster. Instead, unable to affect change as they typically would, the Ahldreian secluded themselves, hiding and spreading out so that what had crippled their population before could not happen again. They bid their siblings stay in contact, but withdraw from leadership and while they did not like it, they acquiesced. For millenia this has continued, though as time went on the TRISTARI, now known as the Hystal, as well as the Nightwalkers, began reintegrating themselves into Licentia society. This has continued till the present, with the Ahldreian remaining largely in seclusion, only gracing their peers in times of great crisis while they fill their ranks once more. So brings us to the current state of affairs, where Nightwalkers have not ruled a true empire for thousands of years, the TRISTARI have hidden their true name and acted only subtly, and the Ahldreian have all but obscured their true nature from the rest of their kind. It is a dire state that their kind are in indeed, and yet...few licentia know it. Change must come soon, for if it does not...surely their kind are doomed. After all, what threatened them once still lives...and it cannot sleep forever.[/hider] [hider=Sub-species][center][h2][b][u][i][color=#2E2C2C]_[/color][color=#2B2A2D]_[/color][color=#29292E]_[/color][color=#27272F]_[/color][color=#252631]_[/color][color=#222432]_[/color][color=#202333]_[/color][color=#1E2135]_[/color][color=#1C2036]_[/color][color=#191E37]_[/color][color=#171D39]_[/color][color=#151B3A]_[/color][color=#131A3B]_[/color][color=#11193D]N[/color][color=#0F1637]i[/color][color=#0E1432]g[/color][color=#0C122D]h[/color][color=#0B1028]t[/color][color=#090E23]w[/color][color=#080C1E]a[/color][color=#070A19]l[/color][color=#050814]k[/color][color=#04060F]e[/color][color=#02040A]r[/color][color=#010205]s[/color][color=#000000]_[/color][color=#030303]_[/color][color=#070606]_[/color][color=#0A0A0A]_[/color][color=#0E0D0D]_[/color][color=#111010]_[/color][color=#151414]_[/color][color=#181717]_[/color][color=#1C1B1B]_[/color][color=#1F1E1E]_[/color][color=#232121]_[/color][color=#262525]_[/color][color=#2A2828]_[/color][/i][/u][/b][/h2][hr][img]http://img13.deviantart.net/a167/i/2010/216/2/e/dramargu_by_chriscold.jpg[/img][sub]Art by [url=http://chriscold.deviantart.com][color=white]ChrisCold[/color][/url][/sub][hr][hider= ][hider=Physiology]One of the elder sub-species of Licentia, Nightwalkers are often beings of manipulation and deceit, tending to be tricksters of a sort. Their kind idealizing cunning and intellect, Nightwalkers are well known for their ability to enchant others with their charm, or wrap them around their metaphorical finger with their tact and wit. So focused on manipulation, cunning, and awareness are they, that these Licentia have developed a physiology to match their nature. Notable first and foremost is their appearance, which when not shifted to their will, is that of a viscous black vis, similar in appearance to thick smoke or dark shadows; this form often broken by glowing eyes of varied coloration—though with no pupils. This amorphous form is one they have distinct control over, allowing them to shift it into a variety of shapes, alter its texture, smell, and even taste. In this it is revealed that they are adept shapeshifters, capable of taking on almost any form provided they have the necessary vis to fuel the transformation. Unlike many Licentia shapeshifters, though more similar to licentia of the growth stage in this, Nightwalkers can actually do more than take on the mere appearance of something. In fact, so adept in their transformative abilities are they that they can create entire biological systems including organs and otherwise viscera to make their forms as realistic as possible. However, while a Nightwalker can suppress its true Licentian nature and even take in the vis of other beings to mimic them, they can never entirely hide their true nature. Notable too are the soul cores that dwell within a Nightwalker's form, as these are its only true vital points. These cores, typically numbering anywhere between three and nine, can be moved around the Nightwalker's body, and often take on the same color as the rest of them, disguising themselves with the rest of their current form so as to not be made easy targets. Nonetheless, these cores always remain solid no matter the nightwalker's form. Additionally, nightwalkers, even when in a more ethereal state, are known to be damaged by magics centering around purification and/or light. As to more physical means of damaging their ilk, there comes to mind vis-infused platinum, which can harm the beings as a normal weapon harms a human—doing damage that cannot be immediately repaired even if the Licentia takes on a new form. Beyond this, there are various sorts of magic that deal in putting vis into stasis or dispersing it. These magics, when used against a nightwalker, are quite effective, forcing them either to maintain whatever form they had taken until the restrictions are removed, or forcing them into their truest shape.[/hider] [hider=Abilities]Aside from their inherent talent for shapeshifting, nightwalkers possess several other rather notable skills, the most universal of those being their [i]shadow magic[/i]. While there are mages of note who manipulate shadows, nightwalkers are surely the most prolific. Due to their bodies being composed in part of the very [i]essence[/i] of shadows, these licentia have developed the ability to both [i]possess[/i] and manipulate shadows, which has allowed them a variety of abilities. First it allows any nightwalker to make shadows a physical construct, allowing them to take hold of any nearby darkness and use it as an extension of their body or outright make it a part of them. This reveals their ability to not only attain more physical mass, but also to connect themselves through said shadows. The latter of these abilities allows them to perform what has been coined [i]'Shadow Walking'[/i] which is a traversal ability that allows nightwalkers to step [i]into[/i] one shadow and emerge from another, the process originating from their their nature, their connection to shadows, and of course their [i]senses[/i]. This brings us to what a nightwalker's senses really are, which while it can vary somewhat as one develops, always include a shadow sense, a vis sense, as well as the five normal senses. While a nightwalker can focus on the five senses and/or their vis sense to increase the strength of them, their shadow sense is [i]inherent[/i] and essentially allows them to detect things better in darkness or to detect darkness and shadows themselves. Over the centuries this has given nightwalkers a reputation and has led the other races to adopt a particular methodology for dealing with their kind. This methodology is more often than not summed up quite well by a world renowned hunter of old. [quote=Prof. Hale Aldbright(1782-1864)][b]“If dusk has fallen, and a nightwalker comes callin', there's naught left to do, but pray.”[/b][/quote][/hider] [hider=Culture & History]As one might think, nightwalkers are a mysterious lot shrouded in darkness and obscurity and so where they truly originated in their home plane of Torqueo is largely forgotten. However, from what human historians have gathered over the ages, and what little licentian scholars have revealed, nightwalkers developed tens of thousands of years ago, at first dwelling in the shadows, hiding themselves due to the rarity of their kind back then. Yet, in the ensuing years they rose from the darkness, bringing it with them, and swallowed whole portions of Torqueo in dark shrouds. From that time onwards, nightwalkers have taken sanctuary or emerged from these pockets of pure darkness, but they are not a united people, instead scheming against one another more often than not. As to humanity's relation to the species, well they have preyed upon mankind since time memorial, with legends of them including insidious nightmare creatures and beings dragging children off in the night, whisking them away to who knows where. As to their culture, it tends to vary a great deal, but the majority of nightwalkers learn quickly that intelligence and wit is the only way for them to survive amongst their own, and later in the world at large. As such, their kind values these things greatly and are understandably proud of themselves for having attained such cunning. Still, while their kind are respected among licentia, the individuals are often not, as they have the nasty tendency of making far more enemies than friends with their manipulative and, sometimes cruel, ways. They are seen as saboteurs, and architects of grand schemes. They are tacticians, if not warriors, scholars, if not explorers, but most of all...they are tricksters and this every race knows. To deal with a nightwalker, is to tempt fate. Yet there are those records that tell a different story, a story dating back almost to the very conception of licentia as a species. These records, hidden away in secretive locations and buried deep within Edravhen's Archives paint nightwalkers not as devious beings bent upon controlling others and driving wedges in society, but tell of a species that were created to serve a distinct purpose. The stories speak of nightwalkers with reverence, not hatred; with respect, and maybe just a hint of fear, for nightwalkers were brought into this world by the Precursors. In essence, nightwalkers were brought into the world to prevent the withering of their species' bodies, with their purpose to incite conflict, be it of a physical or cerebral sort to drive their kind forever forwards. Yet, over the vast millenia that they have existed, many of their kind have forgotten the truth of their purpose, yet, so ingrained in their culture and instincts is it that they uphold it even to this day--though perhaps not to the letter. After all, nightwalkers are an adaptive sort, refusing to be held down by any expectation or limitation placed upon them.[/hider][/hider][/center] [center][h2][b][u][i][color=#2E2C2C]_[/color][color=#332931]_[/color][color=#382736]_[/color][color=#3D253B]_[/color][color=#422241]_[/color][color=#482046]_[/color][color=#4D1E4B]_[/color][color=#521B51]_[/color][color=#571956]_[/color][color=#5C175B]_[/color][color=#621461]_[/color][color=#671266]_[/color][color=#6C106B]_[/color][color=#710D71]T[/color][color=#760B76]h[/color][color=#7C097B]e[/color][color=#810681]_[/color][color=#860486]A[/color][color=#8B028B]h[/color][color=#910090]l[/color][color=#8B028B]d[/color][color=#860486]r[/color][color=#810681]e[/color][color=#7C097B]i[/color][color=#760B76]a[/color][color=#710D71]n[/color][color=#6C106B]_[/color][color=#671266]_[/color][color=#621461]_[/color][color=#5C175B]_[/color][color=#571956]_[/color][color=#521B51]_[/color][color=#4D1E4B]_[/color][color=#482046]_[/color][color=#422241]_[/color][color=#3D253B]_[/color][color=#382736]_[/color][color=#332931]_[/color][color=#2E2C2C]_[/color][/i][/u][/b][/h2][hr][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/fc27/f/2015/087/c/a/zachriel___angel_of_memory_by_petemohrbacher-d8nfpga.jpg[/img] [sub]Art by [url=http://petemohrbacher.deviantart.com][color=white]petemohrbacher[/color][/url][/sub][hr][hider= ][hider=Physiology]The most cerebral of the three sibling races of licentia, the Ahldreian possess both an intensely powerful mind as well as an intrinsic connection to the Will, a force that existence cannot go without. It is this connection that gives the Ahldreian their understanding of the world, any knowledge they should need, and of course...clairvoyance. While both the Nightwalkers and TRISTARI possess each their own powerful intuition, the Ahldreian, while youngest among the three, are capable of actually observing the flow of fate and ascertaining how to pull possibilities from the Rift and into reality. Of course, this enigmatic race possess other boons, such as their adaptable bodies, which they can tune, along with their vis, so as to channel energy in differing ways. While not so strong as their siblings in these ways, the Ahldreian are nonetheless formidable adversaries, often standing anywhere between six and ten feet, though their imposing height is not matched with much bulk. Slender and frail looking, Ahldreian are nonetheless much more dangerous than they appear, as they possess a fine tuned understanding of the world around them which surpasses that of most. Joining their unique mind and clairvoyance are their astounding senses, which are less physical in nature than most as instead of eyes, ears, mouths, and noses, every Ahldreian merely possess a series of highly sensitive organ-like constructs within their bodies. These crystalline formations are connected directly to their soul core, which, rather fittingly, resides in their head. Essentially, these 'organs' function by way of detecting the interactions between vis of all sorts and their environment on a fundamental level. This makes them capable of all five normal senses, but ramped up hundreds of times in sensitivity and accuracy, without any avenue for normal overexposure, making it impossible to 'blind' or 'deafen' them in the traditional sense. However, this powerful sense comes at a cost and that cost is a weakness to the manipulation of vast amounts of vis within their direct vicinity causing an overpowering nausea-like sickness. Beyond this, Ahldreian are not particularly durable and as with their siblings, they are uniquely weak to vis-infused platinum.[/hider] [hider=Abilities]While Nightwalkers have their shadow magic and TRISTARI their magical mastery, the Ahldreian hold dominion over the powers of clairvoyance, illusion, and frequency-based magic. While clairvoyance and illusion are rather common, frequency-based magic is something that merits explanation. This discipline was developed to allow the Ahldreian to practice magic despite the weaknesses associated with their unique senses. By using their connection and understanding of the Will, the Ahldreian can extend both their vis beyond physical space and over vast distances allowing them to perform magic without directly disturbing their surroundings. While some magics achieve this by merely stretching the caster's energy over vast distances, the Ahldreian do so by resonating their vis with that of another location, and then connected it to their will for a time. This makes them adept at casting spells with vast scope and range, while reducing their skill for spells requiring precision. Of course, an Ahldreian [i]can[/i] be precise, it simply takes more effort or a different methodology than a normal mage would require. As to their talents for illusion magics, the Ahldreian can be said to be so skilled that none aside from their siblings and the most dedicated, or trusted, of scholars has any inkling of the ability. This is, in part, due to their tendency to use illusions on an incredibly minute level to suggest ideas or slightly alter the impression they give to others. It is this ability coupled with their mind and foresight that gives them the ability to unite their kind, and perhaps others as well. After all, how could we know, we're only human. [quote=Dharvae'kari Morain(25 BC to Present)][b]“When the world is in ruins and hope seems lost, they will come, and with the world darkened from their absence, their presence will blind and confound. Though when their work is done and our senses adjusted, we will stand in a new world...uplifted yet none-the-wiser.”[/b][/quote][/hider] [hider=Culture & History]Dating back to the advent of the licentian race, the Ahldreian have existed almost since the birth of their species. They possess a rich history and while they have always been fewer in numbers than their two sibling races, the Nightwalkers and TRISTARI, the Ahldreian have nonetheless taken up the position of leadership when it was needed most, with their kind having led licenti throughout the ages into periods of prosperity unseen in the current era. Nonetheless, information regarding their exact personal is something that would be highly valued, but has nonetheless been hiden by what remains of the Ahldreian race today. Their culture on the other hand has, in part, been uncovered. First and foremost, the Ahldreian value the mind and the guiding powers of fate's numerous threads. They are beings who do not look back, but instead always plan for the future, taking in their present circumstances, and pushing themselves, and their kind, into a newer and brighter tomorrow. This is their chief purpose in the world, and it follows that they believe it a righteous and all important one. However, this sense of importance can make their kind rather overconfident, which is perhaps one of the reasons that they have shrouded themselves in myth and mystery. Beyond this, the Ahldreian are known to be a reclusive people, keeping to themselves and protecting their own with an admirable ferocity. Similarly they do not often venture outside of those places wherein they lurk, but when they do, my do they stir up the waters. Perhaps one day they will emerge from the shadows and reveal to the world the reason for their actions. Perhaps.[/hider][/hider][/center][/hider]