[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0BpEyAt.png[/img] [i]Location: On his way to stop a wolf attack Interacting with: A guy getting mauled [@Mae] and an odd looking stranger [@RedXCross] Mood: Being hit by consternation from multiple fronts[/i][/center] [hr] A stab of worry went through Feir like a knife as he listened to his chief, some of which uncharacteristically showed itself on his face. [color=3CB371]’[i]What kind of nonsense has she gotten herself mixed up in now?[/i]’[/color] he wondered, picturing various scenarios that could have landed her in a troublesome situation. Unfortunately, knowing Narcissa, there were all too many ways that she had caused the trouble in the first place, so it was difficult to try and work out what seemed to be the most likely case. To any onlooker, Feir’s furrowed brow likely seemed to be in response to the chief warning that the princess had to be found, but in truth it was because he found himself wondering how the desert princess still had such a hold on him. Not that it really mattered right now. Because as the chief had said, if she wasn’t found, things would get incredibly messy for everyone once the Karill got involved, as they were quite the obstinate and violent lot when it came to protecting one of their nobility. His mouth opened to tell the chief that he would search the woods for the princess, but the sound of a vicious growl stopped the words from coming out. It was an all too familiar noise to the wanderer, as it meant only one thing: something had found prey. With a quick jerk of his head, Feir faced the direction the noise had come from, only to see the heir of his clan had two wolves painfully attached to his limbs. Without waiting for a word from the chief, Feir was moving fast towards the ridge. He was a blur of furs as he weaved past the handful of stunned onlookers, still momentarily shocked by the sight. They would be on his tail in a moment, he was certain, but for now he was well ahead of them. His hand went to his axe as he moved, only to find it depressingly light since he had never gotten around to replacing its head. Teeth ground against teeth at the realization, but there was no time to dwell on it. The crest of the ridge was fast approaching, so instead he reached for his bow and drew an arrow with his other hand. Truth be told, Feir was not much of a fan of the idea that he may have to take such a risky shot, but it wasn't like he was flush with alternatives at this point. So as he reached the crest of the ridge, he nocked the arrow and prepared for the worst case scenario, his expression oddly calm at the task before him despite his misgivings. But to his surprise, one of the wolves was already a sad, limp heap against a boulder, which Feir imagined was Rimgauge’s doing as the odd individual beside him looked like more bone than person. And as his attention turned to the stranger, he realized that they were in midst of attacking the other wolf that had grown a dangerous taste for the tribe’s heir. So with a steady hand, Feir kept his bow at the ready. No matter if the twig failed to take down the wolf on his own or even if the rest of the pack showed up, the vagabond would ensure that no more harm would come to the battered heir. [Hider=Skillset] [list][*][color=3CB371]Lay of the land: Years of wandering has left Feir with an intimate understanding of the various terrains surrounding the tribes[/color][*][color=DAA520]Strong Memory: From never forgetting a face to memorizing which plants are certain to ruin your day, there are few things he trusts as absolutely as his memory [/color][*][color=3CB371]Keenly Observant: One doesn’t survive on their own in such a unforgiven landscape without being able to notice the subtlest of changes in their surroundings [/color][/list] [list][*][color=DAA520]Wilderness Expert: When it comes to surviving away from any semblance of society, few compare to the wealth of knowledge Feir has cultivated over the years [/color][*][color=3CB371]Archery: One of the most reliable ways to secure food in the wild is to have a steady hand with a bow, so it comes as little surprise that he is a decent shot [/color][*][color=DAA520]Axe Fighting: Feir has had more run ins than he cares to admit with deadly creatures that got past his bow, so learning how to make use of his axe to solve problems seemed prudent [/color][/list] [/hider]