[center] [img]http://moecorner.com/iboards/Apple/src/1399558246421.jpg[/img] [h2]"There is no 'good' or 'bad': only power, and those who are too weak to seek it."[/h2] [h2][b]Theme Song[/b][/h2] [url=https://youtu.be/TDj3sorWXbE]Princess of China - Coldplay[/url] [h2][b]Name[/b][/h2] Rowan Rylatt [h2][b]Alias[/b][/h2] Iquili (Zulu for "Ambitious" and "Fox") They earned this title through their deceptive nature. [h2][b]Age[/b][/h2] 17 (turning 18 at beginning of roleplay) [h2][b]Gender[/b][/h2] Genderfluid (they/them) [h2][b]Powers/Skills/Abilities[/b][/h2] They are very flexible and strong although these are just abilities, along with the fact that they're very good at climbing (parkour). Powers include omnilingualism (the power to speak any language), living longer than most humans, night vision, telepathy/empathy (only able to hear others thoughts, sometimes rarely find their past, and feel their feelings), and (the strongest) their superhuman reflexes. Skills include using their two special reappearing daggers. [hider=Daggers][img]http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/kit_rae_throwing_knives.jpg[/img][/hider] [h2][b]Weaknesses[/b][/h2] Rowan is only human, and their transphobic father often haunts them. Even though they have superhuman reflexes, too many things happening at once can overwhelm them; which is exactly how they were caught. [h2][b]Personality[/b][/h2] Deceptive - Rowan often hides behind a fake mask, if you will. At first they seem sweet and innocent, like they’re just a normal human. They only reveal their true self during battles, when with other people they may not like or when not surrounded by guards. Their true self is very crude and violent, and often hurtful. Considerate/Understanding - Even though this word contradicts their deceptive nature, they still know when they’ve really hurt someone (as it’s part of their powers) and will often act upon it. Ebullient - Whilst being their true self, (crude, violent, and often hurtful) they are bouncy and full of energy [h2][b]Appearance[/b][/h2] Like above, but with gauges and a black nose ring. The outfit they are wearing above is what they'd wear in their spare time if they weren't in prison. This outfit (below) is what they wear when out and about (complete with fingerless gloves). [hider=Villain Outfit][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/mirrorsedge/images/b/be/Faithcatalyst.png/revision/latest?cb=20160205195804[/img][/hider] [h2][b]Biggest Claim(s) to Fame[/b][/h2] When they were twelve, they robbed the city’s central bank in seventeen seconds; five seconds to scale the four-story building, two to take out the guards, five to take the money (about $600,000), and the last five to get out. [h2][b]How Long Have You Been in Prison[/b][/h2] Since they were thirteen, so about five years. [h2][b]Brief History[/b][/h2] Rowan was born into a rich family. Their mother died when they were four. An only child, their father owned a business in the technology industry; Rylatt Reload. They only ever saw their father on Saturdays, when the two of them spend the day together; watching a movie, mini golfing, or other activities. On other days, Rowan was on their own. When they were younger, the maids would look after them. During this time, they were taught by private teachers hired by their father. An at home school day was only four hours for them. The rest of the day, Rowan would go to parkour training and dagger training places on their own. They discovered their powers at the age of seven. They discovered their power of omnilingualism when being taught French, and found that they could fluently speak that language as well as (all) others. Nightvision happened after sneaking out one night to practice scaling buildings. Their telepathy/empathy powers appeared when they had to listen to their father firing one of the maids. They could feel her anger, and could hear her words of fury in their head. Their father was a very small-minded, private man who always loved to be right. It was often hard to convince him of things. At the age of ten, they realized that they were not (just) female but, were genderfluid. One year later, they secretly got top surgery without their father knowing; they convinced the doctor by bribing her. None of the maids or house staff (or their father) knew. But of course, their father found out only three months later. He asked them why they would do such a thing, which forced Rowan to come out to their father. He was furious and, after some harsh and transphobic words, kicked her out of the house with a backpack full of things of their choosing; some clothes, their daggers, and $100. Forced to live on the streets is how their lifestyle of crime began. After making their $100 last for a month, they had no money. Being the age of ten, no one would hire them. They began with simply stealing from citizens on the streets, but that soon escalated to robbing from corner stores, to jewelry stores, to banks. Two years later is when they pulled their biggest claim to fame: the seventeen second robbery. A year after that, at the age of thirteen and after a lengthy battle, they were caught by some superhero and their sidekick. Rowan would’ve been sent to juvie for longer than they were, if they’d not threatened to murder the judge’s wife and brother. They were first sent to juvie, and it was there that they received a visitation from their father. He told them that if they “promised to stop all this gender and criminal nonsense,” he would bail them out. After the visitation, they escaped in a rage (after convincing a guard they weren’t a threat and were just a small child, then beating several others inside to a bloody pulp) and murdered the judge’s wife and brother. It was then that they were deemed too dangerous for normal jail, and were sent to “a prisoner more fit” for them after being caught by a superhero and their sidekick. It was a long and tedious battle, and the sidekick was put into a coma by Rowan. In the end, they were caught. They’ve been there ever since, every now and then convincing the occasional new guard that they were just a minor and could be trusted. They’ve put a total of nine new guards in the hospital, have had no visitors, no parole, and are in their own separate cage as a consequence/form of solitary confinement. [h2][b]Notes[/b][/h2] Will not, under any circumstance, hurt children and will go out of their way to protect any children in danger [/center]