[center][hider=Jasmine Carolina Woods] [hr][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/da86/th/pre/i/2015/015/b/6/ethiopian_dream_girl_by_uqbar1-d7racyt.jpg[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qQ02jx6pks[/youtube][hr] [color=Saddlebrown][h1][b]Jasmine Caroline Woods[/b] | 21 | Female [/h1][/color] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Jasmine is a very pronounced teenager in terms of appearance. It's because of her pronounced looks because of her Ethiopian heritage. She just has that distinct Ethiopian facial shape. That means that Jasmine here is African-American to her very bone. Afro-textured hair, brown-skin, thick lips, and of course the African facial-shape. She has a slightly nerdy vibe about her because she is utterly blind without her glasses, and hates the fact that she has to wear them. However, the girl is much more in line with urban girls. It's the way she dresses and acts, after all. Jasmine has the aura of a model, mostly because she loves to pose, and take pictures of herself. She's a girl that loves to be in tip-top shape, instead of being a slob. Because of this, the girl's body is pretty well-toned from exercise and the biz. She has the build of a runner because she's a track runner in school. The rest of her body is well-toned because of yoga-stretches, and body building. All of this means that Jasmine is a tad muscular. Almost like she is aiming to become a model. She does have a bit of body-fat, and all it does is make the girl curvier. I'll go into that later. The girl isn't painfully tall at five-three, but her build more than makes up for it. She has a pear body-shape, instead of the famed hour-glass - but she makes it work. With her lower body being the wider part of Jasmine, her breasts aren't anything to write home about at 34B, but her hips and behind are wide. Her perfectly round behind is the butt of many jokes. Jasmine walks with a swagger in her step, and sways her hips left and right. She definitely gives off the aura of a vain female with all the looks she gives people that tells them she's the queen bee. Though, she certainly has a playful side. It shows when she smiles - and that's only when she's around the people she trusts very much.[/indent] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]A tad abrasive. Jasmine is a girl that is very vain and haughty about her talents, and appreciates all the love and admiration for being Greenbriar's finest child. She has a lot of confidence in herself, and the skills to back it up, of course. She's normally laid back until someone sets off that flaming temper of hers, then she turns into a screaming maniac that is blunt as hell. Like, she'll give people the most savage verbal beatdowns on the planet. Jasmine is blunt in general, but honestly, she mostly reserves that for the people who annoy her the most. She speaks in a casual and friendly manner, and uses the lingo and slang you'd expect a eighteen year old to use. Not overly energetic, but she puts enough passion into her interactions that leaves a good first impression. Usually putting on a confident smirk. Certainly playful and confident with other people, and tends to spout jokes, and the sorts. Jasmine is so confident in herself that, when she makes a mistake, she owns up to it, and takes full responsibility for it. Most importantly, looking down on people who don't.[/indent] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Jasmine was born in Philadelphia as the only daughter of two upper-middle class parents. Jasmine, due to her upbringing, had a headstart to pick her hobbies. She was always a ball of energy... like, she was a limitless supply of it. Which caused her to act out without any real outlet. It would be years before anyone would even think of putting Jasmine in a sport. She was made to join her school's basketball team, and became the team's star player in no time. With nothing but talent alone, she demolished the other schools with ease, and became a legend in Philadelphia in no time. Earning her a spot with the popular kids. She also joined the track team, and a friend of hers taught her how to play soccer. That was the start of her arrogance, since she was so much better than sports than everyone else, doesn't that mean she's a fundamentally better person? Though, Jasmine was an average student, she got by with them average grades. Once school was over, Jasmine spent most of her time practicing for real so she can join the WMBA. She also picked up modeling as something to do to get her more exposure.[/indent] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3][/color] [indent] Modeling. Track Running. Basketball. Soccer.[/indent] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Make up. Athletic gear. Cellphone. Camera. iPod. Dre Beats.[/indent] [color=Saddlebrown][h3][b]Other[/b][/h3][/color] [indent][/indent] [/hider][/center]