[center][hider=Marcelle Vianna] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/8suePOU.jpg[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N37fUziG7cQ[/youtube][hr] [color=Navajowhite][h1][b]Marcelle Vianna[/b] | 45 | Female [/h1][/color] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]When people first gaze upon Marcelle, this immediately get the idea that she is an aging flower. Which is true, because she is quickly approaching her forties, and she really feels like she's losing her touch. Marcelle is a an aging mother that went through the stress of childbirth only once, but it was still enough to put stress on her body (and her mind) to the point where she looks a little older, and less pretty than she'd hope. Still, she has enough flair to draw in some people. She's a woman that walks with an aura of cold confidence about her. She can be inviting, but if she's on the job, don't bother her. To get started, Marcelle is a Brazilian woman that immigrated from her home country at a very young age. Her facial features are very Spanish, along with a darker skin tone. Marcelle descended from the Portuguese settlers, who miscegenated with the African-Slaves. Though, she has more African in her blood. In addition, her Grandfather was Japanese - so all in all, Marcy is part-African, part-European, and part-Asian. And it'll be impossible for someone to tell from first glance because she is Spanish in the face, and skin. A little Asian in the eyes. Honestly, Marcelle herself isn't quite sure what she is other than Brazilian, and a little Japanese. Now, Marcelle's skin has plenty of stretch marks from the wonders of childbirth, and most importantly, a C-Section scar on her stomach. She hides it underneath her pants. She also has a few scars on her hands from injuring her fingers while cooking. The rest of her skin is a brown color. The woman has a thin build, but has a bit of a gut hidden underneath her shirt from not quite working off her baby-fat. Along with having slightly chubby limbs, she isn't as thin as she'd like to be. Though, she can never say she isn't curvy, having a 36C bust size, and very wide hips. [/indent] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Laterz.[/indent] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Again, later.[/indent] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Skills/Talents[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Surgery. Really good at treating wounds. A good runner.[/indent] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Equipment[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]A First-Aid kit she snuck on the boat. A Laptop. A Cellphone. A Change of Clothes.[/indent] [color=Navajowhite][h3][b]Other[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Aunt of Zoey and Sabrina Gray.[/indent] [/hider][/center]