Edges of the Myazi System Area Designated : Alpha One Blackhole class: Queens Respite Crew: 80 souls The Young Commander sat in the captains chair of the small craft, yawning discreetly as he eyed the operation under way. The crew was “ buttoned up”, naval jargon for running stealth protocols. Everything but life support and the passive radar arrays were shut down to reduce the electronic signature of the ship. Heating and propulsion were also shut down, significantly reducing the thermal signature of the craft. After a few hours the ship was “ chilled”, meaning roughly the same temperature as the vacuum around it. The term also included the crew who wore specialized heating suits below heavy winter clothing to keep from freezing to death. The Purple Hat Division was supposed to be an all mercenary band of “Exploratory Merchants” bringing supplies to the devastated core regions. In reality, this was a military operation with the high command at home pulling the strings. The operation was planned and primarily staffed by members of The Monarchy’s new ally the Totalist state. The Royal leadership however, could help but jump at the opportunity to explore the inner core regions. 22 ships accompanied the Totalist flotilla, mostly destroyers, cruisers and the new Blackhole class of stealth ships. Two capital ships rounded out the Hol contingent, the aging but ever powerful Magnus and brand new guided missile carrier, Moskit. “ Commander…. Viper one is in position” the radio operator aboard the Queens Respite announced, breaking the silence of the bridge. “ About fucking time” the commander said under his breath, making sure no one could hear him. “ Keep monitoring the channel, the next window is in an hour” he said in an audible tone. The radio operator answered with a polite nod before the commander keyed his own radio microphone. “ Sir, my recon element is in place. One hour to report”, he said calmly, informing the leadership on the Magnus who would inform the Totalist.