[hider=Tom, the gas station attendant (WIP)] [center] [h1][color=darkgreen]Tommy Tsukino[/color][/h1] [hr] [IMG]http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/portrait-of-young-japanese-man-picture-id476647256[/IMG] [hr] "Sometimes, you just gotta laugh. You have to laugh, and laugh, and laugh until you have the strength to stop." [hr] [h3]General Information[/h3][/center] [color=darkgreen]|| NAME ||[/color] [indent]Tom[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| GENDER ||[/color] [indent] Male [/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| AGE ||[/color] [indent]19 [/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| ROLE ||[/color] [indent]Gas Station Attendant[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Psyche Profile[/h3][/center] [color=darkgreen]|| POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent]Good-humoured.[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent]Coward.[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] [indent]● List a few [/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] [indent]● List a few[/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Home Life[/h3][/center] [color=darkgreen]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] [indent]Father - Yosuke Tsukino - Joint owner of the 'Fill 'Er Up!' gas station Mother - Cheryl Reedus - Joint owner of the 'Fill 'Er Up!' gas station[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]Describe your home and what type of household you have, check the map for more details.[/indent] [hr] [center][h3]Past, Present, and Future[/h3][/center] [color=darkgreen]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] [indent]Unpopular in school. Only friend is delinquent girl. Delinquent girl occasionally makes him do bad things. One day they wander into the woods. Delinquent girl is killed by a bear or some such. Tom runs away in fear. After high school parents plan for him to take over family business, he helps out for now.[/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [indent][url=https://youtu.be/3GhoWZ5qTwI]Girlfriend In A Coma - The Smiths[/url] [sub]But you know, I would hate Anything to happen to her[/sub][/indent] [color=darkgreen]|| NIGHTMARE ||[/color] [indent]Giant, clawed and hunched over creature. Incredible set of jaws and teeth. Patches of fur are occasionally matted down by a stick red ooze.[/indent] [hr] [/hider] Still not 100% sure if I'll be joining, since this would be my first real horror RP. If I do end up joining, I'd be using Tom here though. Wanted to check and see if that backstory outline was good before I write it out fully.