[@Archmage MC] Hachi was grumbling somewhat. He wanted to do the course but a sprained ankle was t going to let him. He had his head supported by his hands on his knees. Looking overall unamused with the situation when he heard a voice he looked up. He then blinked. The owner of the voice certainly was different and he shook his head. [color=Pink]"No you're not late."[/color] he then followed her gaze to his wrapped ankle and sighed. [color=pink]"I managed to sprain my ankle...which is why it's wrapped."[/color] he huffed once more....he really did not like being at a disadvantage. Before he could open his mouth again Jasper looked around Hachi and waved. The mask on his head tilted just right and held in place. His white and grey hair contrasting his bright blue eyes. [color=orange]"Hi I'm Jasper....the grumpy one is Hachi. He really hates not being able to do things"[/color] Hachi huffed and elbowed his brother.