accept my character savo accept it, you whore [center][hider=Jaden Raldo][hr] [img][/img][hr][hr] [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Name:[/h2][/color][/b] [i]Jaden Raldo[/i] [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Age:[/h2][/color][/b] 17 [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Race:[/h2][/color][/b] Human [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Appearance:[/h2][/color][/b] Okay, since the picture covers it well, let me write the basics: ■ Height: 6'4ft ■ Weight: 242lb ■ Build: Muscular (like a bodybuilder) ■ Haircolor: Black [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Kingdom of Origin:[/h2][/color][/b] Vale [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Personality:[/h2][/color][/b] A rather carefree, yet hotblooded man. Jaden seems to be very cocky, and is very willing to flaunt his skills in combat. Even when talking casually, he's loud, bold, brash, and doesn't back down from a challenge. Though, despite his confident swagger, Jaden is one of the most honorable people out there. He's aiming to become a hunter to help the world, not for glory (Well, that's one of the reasons - he's after the ladies, too). He's the cool dude that stands up to a bully. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]History:[/h2][/color][/b] Jaden has the generic "I'm the child of a long line of hunters" past. And indeed, Jaden was the child of a long line of hunters from Atlas. The Raldo family were known as "The Lions" of the hunter world, due to their pride, strength, and determination... and their semblance that is passed down from one generation to another. They were from Atlas, but due to being fed up with the nation's militarization, the Raldo family elected to leave Atlas, and head to Vale. Jaden was the son of Zaff and Mai, two hunters that went to Beacon Academy together. They got married, banged, and had Jaden, and his younger brothers Emert and Ranger. His parents had ultimately decided to retire from being hunters, and elected to train the next generation of hunters. Jaden had an expectation, being the first son of the Raldo Family, and sure as hell was ready for it. He was trained in the way of the blade from a young age, and it was clear that, due to his age and determination, he was the up and coming swordsman out of the Raldo family. He was filled with stories of his parents adventuring days, and knew how utterly romantic all of it sounded. He realized he was destined to become the next big hunter and make his ancestors proud. First, though, he had to unlock the power of the Lion. The Lion was an ancient semblance that was stated to be a piece of the power of the guardian of the Raldo family (that's suspected to be a God of some sort, but you'd have to be foolish to believe in such garage, fool). Anyone who has the Raldo blood is capable of using the Lion... but, like any semblance, it has to be unlocked. To make this backstory even more generic; Raldo had problems with activating this semblance. Jokes about Jaden not being able to get it up were abundant. After that shameful display, Jaden was basically thrown into the Prep school in Vale because of his family name. It wasn't that bad, Jaden was able to hone his skills here - and he met his best friend forever; Gray! Gray was a weird one, but eventually, the two formed a bond that was inseparable. Like Batman and Robin, baby! Jaden was the cool dude who scared off Gray's bullies (it made for some funny stories!), and got thrown in detention a lot. Though, everything changed once Gray and Jaden were challenged to go outside the walls to challenge some Grimm. Well, Jaden knew it was stupid, but why not? Jaden knows that he's got to fight the real deal soon, so why not start now? Jaden brought his family sword, the Lion's Tooth, and went out beyond the walls. Well, that didn't work out too well. The first thing they did was get into a fight with some Ursa, and got utterly [i]destroyed[/i]. Even though Jaden was an excellent fighter, he wasn't ready for the real thing. He was only able to desperately bring down one before the others mobbed him. However, in that desperation... Jaden unlocked the power of the Lion. An Ursa was about to decapitate him, when the Lion stopped the blow. Jaden was amazed that this happened, and realized he could finally use the Lion. He rushed the Ursa, imbued with the power of a flaming lion... ... And got his ass kicked. He had no idea what happened, before he was launched into a tree, and fell unconscious - but when he woke up in the hospital, he was told that a group of Hunters came out to save him and Gray. He was relieved he survived such an ass whooping! But, Jaden knew that he couldn't waste this chance. Finally unlocking the power of the Lion meant that Jaden could kick even more ass. After he recovered, Jaden went out and trained extra hard, dedicating himself to facing off against the Grimm. He became one of the best hunters in the Prep School, - but he often failed at other subjects. It didn't matter because Jaden bonded with the Lion, and unlocked his true power as a hunter. He battled in the wannbe Vytal Festival tournaments that the Prep School hosted, and utterly dominated at them. He had a great win/loss ratio (only losing a few times because he was distracted by how sexy his opponents were - er, his [i]female[/i] opponents). Once he graduated from Prep School, Jaden finally set his eyes on Illuminate. The prep exam was easy for Jaden - like he breezed through it - and was accepted as a student in Illuminate. He was only here for a little while before he was introduced to his team! The eccentric Amber Echo, the aloof Jing-Que Xue, and most importantly, the team leader (I.E supreme douchebag) Bran Brass, whom Jaden had already declared his arch-rival, and challenge him for the spot for team leader whenever he could. But, otherwise, life was good. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Weapons:[/h2][/color][/b] [i]The Lion's Tooth.[/i] The Lion's teeth is a Katana that was passed down his bloodline for generations. It is at least six feet long, and thicker than your average katana (almost being a longsword). It cleaves through grim as well as any other weapon (meaning, it has no special properties). However, one it is returned to it's sheath, it can transform into a powerful assault rifle. This assault rifle can punch holes through grim - without being imbued with dust - with ease, and has a medium range before bullet fall-off occurs. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Semblance:[/h2][/color][/b] [i]The Lion.[/i] Also inherited is the Lion. It appears to be a fearsome Lion with a thick, busy, mane that is made out of raging flames. This Lion has little strength that Jaden can't exert himself, but it ignites anything it comes in contact with. It can only travel within two meters (in a dome) of Jaden, it can also float. Instead of using this like a minion, Jaden uses the Lion as a way to imbue his attacks. Making his katana far more destructive, and dangerous. In a way, it's almost like infusing his strikes with dust. While the Lion can't travel that far away from Jaden, he can also ignite the Lion Teeth's bullets - but it's the most effective when in katana form. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Strengths:[/h2][/color][/b] Confident. Impressive swordsmanship. Melee Ability is monstrous through use of his [s]Stand[/s] Semblance. Great aim. His skills work great in a team. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Weaknesses:[/h2][/color][/b] Shit at long range. Is probably the type that forgoes thinking and charges in. Misses obvious things. [b][color=Olivedrab][h2]Other:[/h2][/color][/b] Here's his themesong: [youtube][/youtube] [/hider][/center]