[center][h1][color=EF5C86]Genevieve Dupoit[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=EF5C86][b]Location:[/b][/color] Crash Site[/center][hr] Thankfully it seems whatever gods were around they were watching over her as she made her way towards the planet below. She managed to cling on to the controls as best she could and get the shuttle to a hard landing. It rocketed around as it hit land and her ship spun her something fierce. If she wasn't fearful for her life she would have assumed she was seeing a more rambunxious client. However, this was not a fun matter. She breathed a sigh of relief as the ship stopped. She was bruised and battered, she had a cut on her head, but she was alive. For that, she was thankful. She quickly got out of the pilot's seat and went to work. She grabbed the portable fire extinguisher and put out the fires that were consuming her ship (and for all intents and purposes, her home). After she did that she quickly opened the door to let the smoke out less she breathe it all in. She stepped outside and took a look at her ship. She hoped it could be repaired either by Gideon or by someone on this planet if she couldn't get back to the ship in time. She cursed under her breath again and took out her comms. First, she sent a comm to Captain Anisa and Jackson, [color=EF5C86]"This is Genevieve again. My shuttle has crashed, but I am well. There's no way I'm going to be able to get it up and running without some assistance."[/color] After she sent that, she then sent out a distress call, [color=EF5C86]"This is Genevieve Dupoit from the ship Vengeance. I have crashed my personal shuttle and seek assistance in getting it repaired. I am not critically hurt. Please send help."[/color] Though her voice remained calm, inside she was shouting. This has not happened to her before. She looked around at her surroundings. All seemed well, but just in case she went back into her ship and grabbed her stunner and her rapier. You never know who would come crawling.