[center][h1][color=a187be]Violet Braddock [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/pr78078dp/1cffaad95f200f068b2542c906426b74.jpg[/img][/center] Violet wrote a few texts to some of the older vampires telling them that she needed to talk to them about something regarding the blood compact. The needed to come to her house asap. She could have summoned them but figured that was a little rude to summon everyone all the time. She sat and waited, with a pack of wolves outside vampires in the house and a hybrid in a bathrobe downstairs. When she thought of it that way she laughed softly to herself. She looked at the clock and went downstairs. [color=a187be]"Piper? I'm going to work now."[/color] Piper looked at her as if she heard wrong. [color=fff200]"You are what?" [/color]shocked she said, [color=fff200]"You work? Like go to work and earn a paycheck kind of work?"[/color] Violet smiled and said,[color=a187be] "What better way to keep my humanity than to keep having a regular life? Here is my cell. Text me when the elder vampires get here. There should be several of them." [/color] With that Violet left and went to work. She oddly enough was a florist. She loved flowers and usually kept them all over her house too. She owned her own shop and kept herself busy. [@Wraithblade6][@ojo chan 42][@mrzerkon][@dabombjk][@blackpanther]