Arlus was sitting on the floor next to the ships main weapons and in the processes of setting up some of his equipment when he heard Karvik, glancing up at the comm speaker for a moment he listened before muttering to himself as he got up, Arlus was sorta keeping to himself after the debrief not really wanting to get involved with anyone from the crew, His years in the Turian military as a Calab where rough on him, the isolation, segregation, and most of all the way they where treated, they where seen simply as tools some of the time. But with all that he gained unbreakable bonds between other Calabs. Walking over to a crate he had moved into the room he opened it and quickly began to get his gear together, surprisingly Arlus had never been to Omega but he had that feeling that trouble might show itself. Once he had all of his weapons and ammo in check, he reached into the box and removed his venom gauntlets, slowly running his talons over them he slipped them on and secured then before attached the cylinders to the side, inside the clear cylinders was a bright green almost glowing liquid, various numbing agents and poisons mixed together to make a deadly but effective cocktail. [color=DarkTurquoise]"Stage four compressor, long range amplifier, some cords, class two tripod, class five minitripod, maybe some camo netting if they have it, some ties, and a little bit more ammo"[/color] He said looking back at his equipment before placing his helmet on and leaving the room, the large Turian quietly made his way to the docking port. Upon getting there he leaned against the nearby wall and crossed his arms [color=DarkTurquoise]"So anyone else never been here before, to Omega or am I alone on this?"[/color] he asked out loud to seemingly anyone around as he waited.