Damian stood up from the group d and dusted himself off. As he did so he noticed the boy he had seen only moments ago from his hotel room. Damian shouted to the boy trying to flag him down [color=00aeef]"hey there wait up"[/color] he shouted to the other boy as he ran towards him his growlith running along side. He continued towards him quickly trying to catch up. [color=ed1c24]Fire heart barked happily as he ran along side damian. He panted and ran trying to keep up. [/color] Damian slid as he couldn't come to a complete stop. He slammed into the other boy knocking them both to the ground. He jumped off him in shock as he backed away. [color=00aeef]"oh my God I am so sorry for that"[/color]. He said feeling quite stupid. He had no idea the ground would be so slick this morning. It was still a little early but that usually doesn't effect his ability to stop. [color=00aeef]"that is so my bad"[/color] [color=ed1c24]Fire heart noticed the other two Pokemon and at first glance he got defensive and glaired at them barking.[/color] [color=00aeef]"hey buddy calm down"[/color] damian said petting his growlithe trying to keep him calm as he lent his hand out to help up the other boy. [@Dusksong]