[center][h3][b] Raven Heartwood - Central City[/b][/h3][/center] Raven woke up to, predictably enough, Oliver pawing at him. Raven brushed the paw away and slowly began the process of waking up. Speed up by a quick cold shower, Raven, now feeling rather invigorated grabbed his stuff and made his way out of the hotel, Oliver in his usual spot. What to do now? Look for a new pokemon, aaaaaand found someone to have a battle with! Where to look for his next pokemon? The water? The forest? The water in the forest? Yeah! Raven eagerly began running towards the forest just out of town, ready to look for a new Pokemon and maybe someone to battle if he was lucky. Oliver could barely hang on in the rush of frantic energy. Raven was a morning person. Or perhaps he hated cold showers. He'd surely slow down once he realized he'd forgotten breakfast, the most important meal of the day.