Damian gave a small smirk at the boys response to his pokemons name. He was happy that someone agreed that the name was good other than himself ant his Pokemon. Damian looked around at the area. [color=00aeef]"well I'm here because i have been here many times before"[/color] he said with a chuckle. Damian knew it sounded weird that he had been here a lot even though he didn't really live in the area. To him it was natural to say this but he didn't think about how it sounded to someone else. Being aoagent judge he had to travel a lot but now that he was a trainer he had something to do in his off time. [color=00aeef]"honestly it's easier to start somewhere your familiar with"[/color]. Damian reached down and pat fire heart on the head and smiled at the other boy briefly. [color=00aeef]"not to mention the abundance of good Pokemon"[/color][@Dusksong]