[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Leisy’s eyes widened at Raven’s challenge, simultaneously surprised and excited. She’d just been challenged to her first Pokemon battle! [color=gray]”Deal!”[/color] Leisy said, slapping her hand into the boy’s with a big grin just as common sense began to kick in. [i]Oh no,[/i] Leisy thought, eyes widening again. [i]What am I doing? I only have two Pokemon, and I’m accepting a battle with somebody I’ve only met once. For all I know his Eevee might be crazy powerful and this might as well be some sort of suicide mission I just signed my Pokemon up for,[/i] Leisy thought, biting her lip as she looked down at her two Pokemon. [i]And which one to battle with! Eevee is normal-type, I think, which would mean there’s no type advantage I think,[/i] Leisy thought, trailing off as distress welled up. [i]Wait, Eevee can evolve into a lot of different types, right? So maybe it knows some type-based move and—[/i] Leisy gave Raven with a nervous smile. [color=gray]”Er, would you mind if I pulled out my Pokedex and scanned your Pokemon real quick? I’m still pretty new to this whole battling thing.”[/color] [hr] [@eklispe]