Vanya barely reacted to Alice's words, if only with a slightly lighter posture. Alice felt slightly relieved she was no longer under scrutiny. The Elf's gaze shifted to this priest, almost accusingly. It almost seemed she was trying to catch the two of them out, as if they were charlatans or pretenders. It briefly occurred to Alice that they seemed like two children trying to impress this maternal figure. Vanya didn't seem to understand that most priests in human lands could not cast spells, and were simply there to spread the word of the gods and help where they can. It took careful attention from up high to actually be able to command even a slither of their power, but this didn't seem to deter the other man. "If I could ask you to accept the gods into your heart for but a moment, Ms. Alice Peerbane, I might perhaps demonstrate." She irked slightly at the 'Ms', but still nodded her assent. She assumed an easy pose, but was completely unsure of how to react to something like this. Should she clasp her hands in prayer, at least bow her head? Either way, she was suddenly too distracted by the quick and dramatic gestures of this man's hands. [i]Well practised movements[/i] she noted, and it occurred to her that maybe divine casting for some gods was more than just a question but proving worth. Obviously worth of drama and flair for this god. Geradin himself was a cleric of the Dwarfen god Ragnarok, but he seemed to grant power far more freely than the effort on display here. 'Oh, hear me, almighty Seradwyn, mistress of Magic and Passion,' He said not loudly, but definitely with force. 'And in your mercy may I ask that you bestow upon this layperson your protection, that they be defended from the trials that might befall them in the coming times!' He gently laid his hand on hands on Alice's shoulders, before quickly darting them up and spinning them around her head. She wondered how many people he'd slipped with and actually managed to hit as he flurried his hands about her. With a clap he splayed his hands apart and revealed a symbol Alice did not recognise. She'd studied the gods at the high university, of course, and she would have to look over her notes to see if anything correlated. She was fairly sure it wasn't Seradwyn though. But the immediate question had been answered, to which Vanya seemed pleased. This man possessed divine power. Alice didn't feel any different, but knowing how human gods always liked to act in subtle ways she didn't expect to. "Well, you're quite the...odd man. But you seem to have some talent and favour. I was wrong to underestimate you." Vanya inclined her head, revealing that she obviously had expected him to fail. Alice refused to act on the small childish impulse to feel glad when your betters are wrong. Instead she politely smiled and pondered her next words before a stranger entered the glade. She drew the attention of all thanks to her clanking movements and definitive aura of might. Even at this distance Alice could tell the armoured woman stood a couple of heads taller than herself and built like a foundry. The only way Alice could tell it was a woman at all was the raised visor, which showed subtle feminine features of a middle-aged woman even if they were obscured by battle scars and a horrifically slanted nose. She certainly wasn't a knight of Vrettonnia, who it seemed half the time were promoted on looks alone. This woman spoke up "Seven blessings, my name is Dame Maygen Yarwyck. I was contacted by a representative of the Queen I assume you all are part of that as well?" Certainly Andred nobility, born and bred, there was no doubting it. Forged in war with Vrettonnia no doubt with a title as such. Alice didn't recognise the name itself, but it was unlikely she would have done anyways. Alice made a quick mental note to hide her Vrettonnian accent around this 'Dame'. The present company excused themselves and Alice headed to bed after giving Sett (as he named himself) Geradin's tent and bedroll (since it didn't look like the Dwarf would be needing it.) She did lay a blanket over the slumbering rock that was the dwarf, and knowing he didn't need even that much she retired for the evening. [hr] The company moved in modest silence the next morning, with a few chatters here and there until they reached the rendezvous point. Before they find the elven scouts they came across a large bog. They were lucky to notice it. An-Hasst spoke up "I'm afraid I don't have the proper arrows for shooting a rope over it with my crossbow, but some sort of lifeline is highly advisable I think. Does anybody have a really long rope ? Someone could wrap it around his waist and start crossing it while the others are ready to pull that one out if things go wrong. If we do this one by one we will have enough people on the other side to help from there soon enough." He was clearly experienced in such things. Geradin nodded his assent, being another member of the group who would struggle. Alice knew she could use her magic to flip a rope across the distance, and even without a rope she imagine she could probably walk over unassisted anyways. However she waited to see what else the group would come up with, [i]A powerful ice spell would come in handy[/i] she thought, but that was beyond her own capabilities to do quickly.