I know these two drafts are rough but that's why I need help fine tuning the RP before I post it [center][URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/194572/of_the_blue_colour_of_her_eyes.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194572&s=65&t=Starchild&c=9966FF[/IMG][/URL] [b]LTD.[/b] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/194572/of_the_blue_colour_of_her_eyes.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194572&s=25&t=Impossible%20is%20just%20a%20Word&c=9966FF[/IMG][/URL][/center] Starchild LTD. Is a privately held company founded by Jessica Robin Winchester 5 months ago using funds earned working for the International Space Agency to create a unique organization that seeks to employ people with Meta Talents in contracts that contain no aggressive use of power. What does that mean? Well it means that Starchild isn't a mercenary, law enforcement or security organization but instead is a group dedicated to the nonviolent use of their power in more positive aspects such as Construction, Rescue and Disaster Recovery. Sure like any good citizens if the members of Starchild witness a crime they may choose to intervene or not and in either case expect the support of it's members and corporate influence in maters public, private or legal. They do not hunt criminals nor actively patrol with or support law enforcement as a member of Starchild. They do not engage in this as a group and any member who does must win a two thirds approval of the board to remain. If there are more than four votes on the subject of powers used in violence that member will be severed from connection with the corporation. [center][URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/194572/of_the_blue_colour_of_her_eyes.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194572&s=65&t=Starchild&c=9966FF[/IMG][/URL] [b]LTD.[/b] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/194572/of_the_blue_colour_of_her_eyes.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194572&s=25&t=Impossible%20is%20just%20a%20Word&c=9966FF[/IMG][/URL] [img] http://www.easy-decor.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Otto-Bock-HealthCare-modern-building-design-1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Hello people who thought they'd pop by for a peek[/b] This is a proposal for an unusual Super Powered RP and primarily because of it's deviation from the standard Fight Club style. This RP will focus on a Group of Meta Humans who have either grown tired of combat or never had the inclination to engage in such activities. It is set in a world were Meta began appearing about 1946 and made up 1 in 250,000,000 till 1958 when that number became 1 in 65,000,000 then once more in 1965 1 in 19,000,000. This increase in number resulted in humanity growing more fearful of this new branch of their own race. This fear wasn't helped by the fact that many countries around the world began militarization of Meta within their boarders in the early 60s. The world experienced several flash fire wars that involved clashes between beings capable of destruction on a large scale and threatened the safety of the world. It was because of these threats that the UN met and passed the Meta Human acts in 1969. The Meta Human act views the use of Meta as an act of war comparable to nuclear weapons use and bans their use in military deployment. It also addresses the fact that among Meta are those who practice the use of their abilities for criminal intent and formed provisional command sectors in key positions around the globe to react to such threats. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: So this is a world where Meta are forced to either work for the UN Legion as Meta Enforcement officers or be considered criminals; or at least that's how it was till 1 year ago when a young Meta Female named Jessica Robin Winchester won a pivotal court case. This case allowed Jesse to work outside of the accepted government controlled and violent atmosphere so long as her organization engaged in no activities considered in violation of the Meta crimes act. She won her case even though much of the rest of humanity view her type as a threat to their existence primarily because of an on going association with the International Space Agency. Drifter is a primary Elemental who's Magnetic power is off the charts and who's control of that same power beyond imagination. This is why she makes regular lifts of 30 tons or less of material to the growing space station in orbit. She was careful in the beginning to include in her service small countries that lacked the resources of larger countries to get into space. She also displayed a grasp of international politics by first making herself invaluable to the exploration of space before launching her case.